Hired Helper Tool v 0.51 Beta

Provides 30 helpers in MP / SP mode (Optional in Lua for SP and Private purposes). In addition, the mod gives the helpers real gender-neutral names, because helper A is blocked does not work at all. Nothing more, nothing less.
And yes, you usually only have a limited number of helpers available in the MP / SP.
SP = 10 helpers; (with mod 30)
MP = number of player slots, say 4 slots = 4 helpers (with mod 30)
What do I have to do ! You have nothing more to do than to put the mod in his mod folder. Everything else is automatic.

Version 0.51 Beta
* Fix onStart ZIP



3.4/5 - (11 votes)

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File File size
zip AAA_HiredHelperTool 23 KB

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6 Responses

  1. FrozenYuri says:

    Works perfect!

  2. JamesH says:

    Does not work in multiplayer for me. I’m using Nitrado to host.

  3. Anonymous says:

    how do you acced the interface to change how many helpers your got or their names?

  4. Elmer Fudd says:

    nice mod , way better to see tade or jane driving my harvester then helper A 😉 and it does work in mp

  5. JD Farmer says:

    Dosent work in MP 🙂

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