Between the borders of France and Spain lies a vast emptiness known as No Man’s Land where the land has lain untouched by the hands of man for years
Do you have what it takes to transform this wilderness into just a basic farm or into a great thriving dairy, wool, or logging empire? It’s all about survival of the fittest, build your livelihood with the help of placeable buildings, sell points, and décor.
No neighbours to stop your advancement or bog you down with contracts for field work, there is only one road in and one road out so no need for transporting of goods, it’s all in your capable hands. Do you have what it takes to survive or will you give up and return to the city?
There are options to remove all trees and rocks from the map to help aid in your discovery of your inner farmer.
Depending on how receptive this map becomes, I will plan on adding more placeables in future updates.



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47 Responses

  1. hujpeng says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    Will you be making this map for 22 also? I hope so

  3. Anonymous says:

    laat meer fruit tipe to a u b

  4. Preston says:

    Can you make this map compatible with Maize plus? I have the mod and everything shows up, but none of the planters show the extra crop types.

  5. Danish farm gamer says:

    Hey. its an fantastic map, i love to see multi terrein angels at least 64 angels, it would make it super realistic.

  6. Escalante Kid says:

    x4+ Empty NML kind of Map with one small town in the middle with people. One main rd going through it with a Rail rd that circles around map in a huge figure 8. All of it done in AJ style. Extras like mud, seasons, mining, and multifruit could be added. Setting could be a number of any old mining towns scattered across Western U.S.

  7. David says:

    Hi how do I get it to work for multiplayer keeps saying needs to be zipped and it is zipped, please help

  8. Anonymous says:

    how do u insatll this i carnt seem to find out how can u

  9. Anonymous says:

    bonjour comment enlever les rocher merci

  10. юра says:

    я задоволений це для мене щось нове хороша робота дякую

  11. Al says:

    why is my map empty. there is no building or anything at plot 26.

  12. Johan Van Niekerk says:

    I had a problem to open the gate at the shop.
    Plaese help

  13. Michael Whitney says:

    hey so im wondering if you can get this map on the ps4 version.

  14. Zudguard says:

    Curious situation. every time midnight ticks over my tomato greenhouse instantly loses all of its manure and water. despite me topping things up just before. Can anyone repeat this issue?

  15. Anonymous says:

    showing up as installed but wont let me add it to game, please help

  16. marinos says:

    amezing map bat plz i need more crope……

  17. Kampfnie says:

    I have ona problem on my Multiplayer Server.
    The 5 tree’s, who lays next to the woodcrusher in singelplayer, i cant remove them. I can grab them with frontloader, bur cant crush or sell them. If i throw them in the lake, they appeer again after a server restart. :/
    Any ideas?
    Otherwise, it’s a great map. 😉

  18. Anonymous says:

    when i install and then move it over to the mod folded and start the game it isnt there could someone help ?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Is there a way to download the placeables separately that come with this map?

  20. SG says:

    Some rivers and lakes would be nice to have, otherwise, this is my absolute favourite map so far.

  21. grant says:

    how can I plant wheat and barley, it’s no offered as a seed.

  22. Farmer says:

    Map not loading (endless loading loop) with mod FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_Mill

  23. Anonymous says:

    Can you plant the new crops on console? If so do you need a seeder or a planter?

  24. Anonymous says:

    For console ??

  25. Harry says:

    Can I ask for permission from the owner to distribute the map as v1.2 with added crops please? Drop me an email @ [email protected]. Many thanks

  26. Anonymous says:

    I really like this map, but i have 1 problem on tje console version. When i plant a field of grass it doesnt regrow after a harvest. I also noticed when planting or using lime, that the planter never uses any seeds or fertilizer. The crop gets planted but it doest use any of the refillables

  27. bloodytosser says:

    The windmills income needs to be toned way down, like cut down to 25% at least, maybe $100/hr on normal diff. Just as a test, I used the entirety of my $500k loan to buy one plot of land and the water windmills and made back my 500k in ~2 days on the normal difficulty. Otherwise pretty good map so far.

    Since none of the plots of land have pre-made fields, I recommend using the ‘crazy plow’ that’s 100M wide. Plowing is far too tedious in this game as it is, let alone creating entirely new fields. Unless you want to spend a ton of money on the largest tractor and plow, it’s such a PITA.

  28. Limberger says:

    Depois que atualizou o mapa não tá mais abrindo no meu jogo, alguém sabe o porquê?

  29. Stanislav says:

    Hello ! How to install this map ? I just put the ZIP file in the Documents/Farming simulator 2019/mods and when I play the game this map doesn’t exist.

  30. BadgerGrimm says:

    @Joe The Remove Trees sign was causing the game to crash on console, so Jim removed it.
    The single best way to easily remove trees without the need to bother to actually log them, is with this machine:
    It completely obliterates the tree, including the stump.

  31. Zeno says:

    Awsome map, thank you very much. I think I will be playing this map for quite a long time!

  32. PapPap2016 says:

    Thank you Alien Jim. This is now my go to map. I have always found that other maps had good fields but no room for placeables or to much room and bad fields. With your map I am in control and it is not totally flat.

    I do not make maps so not sure how hard it is to add stuff but like the person above I would like to see more crops. I normally do cotton, tobacco, and whatever I need for my placeables. Also I cant get my compost to work so I guess that is missing as well.

    No matter what you decide to do with the map this is now my #1 map.

  33. Joe says:

    I like the map alot but the problem im having is that there is no remove tree sign. The remove rock is there and thats it why is this?

  34. Nicole says:

    I have some problems with trees. There are 2 stumps I cannot remove at (1627, 768) and (1132, 891). There is also a flying tree at (1596, 813)

  35. Lisa says:

    Love the map and the fact I have control thank you for your hard work.
    issue 1: Horses don’t work, you train them and their value increases as you ride and clean but at midnight it reverts back to starting value
    issue 2: Horses randomly change colour, in stable they are different breeds to ones bought. When I ride they go back to the original colour

  36. BadgerGrimm says:

    AJ? You think you can more crops to the map? Cherry, tobacco, coffee, etc etc? Love the map, but it gets boring planting the same 2 or 3 crops over and over.

  37. Sandy says:

    Awesome map, thank you, you modders are what make FS 19 much better, Good job,

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