AutoDrive v 1.0

This mod can be used to create a network of routes for vehicles to drive autonomously. Once setup you can tell a tractor which is standing anywhere close to the network to drive to any point, such as the shop, field 1 or to a sell point.



3.6/5 - (83 votes)

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zip FS19_AutoDrive 1 MB

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20 Responses

  1. sus says:

    this mod is not working pls fix again susy

  2. Xendorf says:

    Someone know how to disable/hide the AD option on command menu? when I use some forestry machine I can’t change the length of cut. Without AutoDrive on command appear the key “Y” for change the length … with AutoDrive the same options not appearMultimap

  3. Arthur says:

    C:/Users/Casa/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_AutoDrive/scripts/Utils/TrailerUtil.lua:511: attempt to call method ‘getIsActivatable’ (a nil value)

  4. Anonymous says:

    Error: Running LUA method ‘update’

  5. Bruno says:

    The mod was working perfectly for me and all of a sudden the AD menu stopped appearing when I went to play on start from scratch difficulty. Does anybody know how to fix this?

  6. mr.Cobi says:

    всем привет. хочу поделиться ссылкой на разбор мода автодрайв :

  7. Vasyan says:

    Tell me, how to get the equipment to reverse in auto-drive? I saw in the video that they are reversing, but I myself can’t understand how!

  8. Васян says:

    Скажите, как сделать, что бы техника по автодрайву ехала задним ходом? Видел в видео, что прописывают задний ход, но сам не могу понять как!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know how to download in fs19 the liebherr 920 compact

  10. Corbor says:

    This new interface in not good it lot hard then the old,there no sync after making course,

  11. FormyZee says:

    How to remove all/reset routes (not deleteing one node at the time)
    F:ed up alot of roads learning to use the mod ^^

  12. PH says:

    Have two way routes been removed? Can’t seem to get them in the new interface.

  13. Animal tvi. says:

    All this does us allows unloading of harvester nothing else. No ability to record courses no set destination nothing.

  14. Tommy UK says:

    Does anyone know if this mod is compatible with MP dedi servers?

  15. Bastian says:

    Hallo, habe mir diesen Mod herunter Geladen, in den Mods Ordner gepackt, kann den jedoch nicht verwenden.
    Kann mir jemand behilflich sein, damit ich diesen Mod benutzen kann?

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