Welcome to the panhandle of Texas. Been a bit since i been on here. been hard at work correcting bugs and mistakes on my part that I forgot about. Well not really bugs but stuff that wasn’t really intended. Like the silage texture coming out of tippers as cotton haha some minor stuff. This update really isn’t all that minor though i got a few more nice features added to the map with a bit more details that I will run down and sort out.

Fixed Issues:
Silage texture coming out as cotton in tippers/buckets

Precision Farming’s: soil map is now set in the correct gdm file size within the maps folder.
Texture glitches . I’m sure that’s why there would be weird texture glitches at some points in the map. Testing I haven’t noticed anymore issues and am considering it fixed. In general you should see a performance increase

Landscaping/Paintable grass. Will now only be put down if its a grass texture
compatibility with other mods. I lowered the mass of all fill types to there default values other than the ones that is obvious. Like potato’s and sugar beets wouldn’t have less mass per liter as corn wheat and so on.
Custom animal pens/pastures (excluding dairy). All pens have increased in capacity with animals as well all manure heaps has been moved outside of the pastures (animal pens). Visible animals that disappear in the ground as far as i can tell. That has been fixed.
Fertilizer/lime textures is now both set right for both products.
Ethanol Plant. is fixed to where it will produce to about what is given.
Meat Factory: Now has 2 individual loading docks. 1 for pigs 1 for the cows. This is to keep from exploiting the economy from pigs in general. “note” This factory is built for seasons and is not intended for base game use. Earnings will be cut if you try and use it without seasons.
Improvements: New textures for corn, soybeans, sunflowers, and bushes. Sunflowers in general have completely new textures. Improved ground textures. “Note” the bushes textures are only noticeable with seasons. They will change with the the seasons.
season snow contracts are available
All gas prices has been lowered to the non taxable diesel price. Its gonna be cheap as compared to what it was. There is a reason why i had it like that but I’m not gonna give there story behind it here.
Lime station cost lowered to the base game value
Property Taxes. Each individual field/land has a daily cost to them
All items/buildings have the correct daily cost given to them as to the default specs of farm houses, deco’s, misc silos etc. Unless by means its a ranch house or any of the fancier buildings. “note” there is custom grain bins in the map but they follow the same 200,000 by 60 a day charge. A lot of them bins hold way way more than 200,000. Keep that in mind. This is considered with all animal pens as well. This is just to give a more realistic feel about things. We all know we don’t go through life paying nothing in life outside the lines of vehicle cost.
Older field pivots. The older pivot systems I’m gonna abandon and has been removed from the map. They was taking way to long to implement and there just way to buggy for me to mess with. The fields with these pivots are in forms of squares by popular demand well not entirely square.

Final thoughts and recommendations: I highly recommend playing with seasons in the map. The map is built for it. Use the animals don’t go into the map just thinking arable farming. The map is built for them to go together. There’s not a lot of money to be gained from just arable farming. If trying to do just arable farming you need to get into crops such as cotton, soybeans, potato, sugar beets. Not to let off on secrets or anything but sugar beet is the way to go. In general I intend the map to be a strategic. Feedback from people is greatly appreciated and I’m aware of how green the map looks compared to real life of the panhandle of Texas. grass is my main project right now but its gonna be awhile till I’m even able to get it implemented in the map. Best way I can say is if I made the grass look really short dense and dry then it looks completely off once cut. There has to be a balance and i will work on such things going forward. Thinks that about all in terms as to what has changed or what i can think of. There’s just a lot going on in the map hard to keep up with. In all I hope everyone enjoys!

“Note” to server owners. I raised the script (animalLimitIncreaser.lua) to hold more animals to 65. I don’t recommend by means of using that total amount. Its there to give people options. I recommend using what’s in the map already. In terms of things i gave out 5 to each individual farms.

Updating: This map is not compatible with any old save game. If updating it requires a new save game


The Great Lebowski

Models and the scripts in the map is not mine such as the ethanol plant nor the meat factory. I will give out the proper credits to them folk’s down below as to assets i used from that particular map or script. Keep in mind I don’t know if its that persons model or not. If I missed somebody it wasn’t done by bad intentions.
Danjelmc, ccs101, Farmer Andy, Daze Farms, Taylor Farms, KS Mapping, DrtyDiesel Modding, GtX | Andy, modelleicher, Ifko[nator, reallogger, Farmer_Schubi, Daniel (Desperados93) W. / GIANTS Software GmbH, by igor29381, Sven777b Mappers Paradise/The Subbie

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107 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    dude i downloaded it and it wont show

  2. franz enns says:

    can my pc run this

  3. Gabe G. says:

    what is the size of this map?? 4x, 8x 16x..??..

    will be help[full to knowbefore download and install, so we can estimate if our hardware can handle it

  4. Anonymous says:

    i cant open the shop doors

  5. Anonymous says:

    i cant open the doors on the sheds even if i buy the house to

  6. Longtime Farmer says:

    Please Update it to FS22

  7. Lspdfarmer says:

    Love the map so far

    Having g some issues with gates not opening due to missing something which is kinda weird

    Also can’t seen to find places to put loose straw down wondering if it has to be bales ?

    Amazing map great for course play help thanks again for this

  8. Snowy says:

    Does this map have it’s own GEO, i’m using the Texas Geo and getting rain 3 days out of 4 all year long, can’t harvest because it’s too bloody wet, love the map, what you’ve done with the cows/sheep in the paddocks is just awesome.

  9. Hazer says:

    I wish they had this on xbox 1

  10. Gavin says:

    having to be “in” the pivot to move it is just some farmer holding in the safety override button lol

  11. Anonymous says:

    Awesome map. I can’t seem to open the animal dialog at the horse pen near field 1. Anyone know a fix at all please?

  12. Mike says:

    Shop doors open at 9am.

  13. gg says:

    Vehicle Shop Garage doors will open on opening hours. 8 or 10 clock …

  14. Anonymous says:

    There are opening hours. Show they open when tis 9 or 10 a clock or something.

  15. RGG says:

    @TheGreatLebowski Any plans to make a Texas map for FS22?

  16. AM9505 says:

    I took a contract to harvest and deliver wheat from field 25 to the farmer’s coop. I was delivering the last truck load to the coop, and for some reason, every time I attempted to unload it would tell me that wheat is not accepted there. Has anyone else had issues with this? It makes it very hard to take wheat contracts that require a specific selling location. Any help is greatly appreciated.`

  17. TexOkie says:

    Hey! Love the looks of this map! Only trouble is that the Vehicle Shop Garage doors will not open. I have tried everything, middle mouse – activating the buttons for the doors, etc. and they remain closed. As a result, I can’t get any purchased items out of the garage. I’ve seen a few other comments having the same issue. Any help?


  18. مجهول says:

    انا اشتريت سياره و ماعرفت كيف اخرجها ؟؟
    لا يوجد باب يفتح معي

  19. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone tried this on multiplayer yet?
    I’ve added it to my dedicated server and it works, but as soon as I add any mod it won’t start and crashes.

  20. Anonymous says:

    anyone getting constant lag since the update? loved the previous version, and this new version looks great, but cant play with this jitter. Started to plow field 1 and it will lag every 10 or so seconds after about 10 minutes of playing. Also, plows tend to bounce on the field when stopped? 🙂

  21. Uncle Top says:

    Activated the store delivery mod as an alternative to get the Airhoe drills to the farm and although they charged me a delivery fee, even “store deliver” could not get the fkn thing out the shop.

  22. Uncle Top says:

    Hi, The seedhawk and the John Deere Airhoe drills does not fit through the doors. Please enlarge the doorway or make the spawning point outside as previous. Midwest building from MF is nice, but not practical.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Bonjour , season ne fonctionne pas avec cette carte?

  24. Allard Wagenaar says:

    hi, lime trigger on latest version isn’t working.

  25. Tut says:

    Field 45 pivot doesn’t hit one of the stops. I also couldn’t get it to go past about the 225° compass point once it ran past it.

  26. ? says:

    i would like to know how you get your cars out of the shop

  27. Anonymous says:

    Is there a way to edit a fence to add a gate? Maybe a way to remove the whole fence to add a new one with a gate where I need one?

  28. RGJ says:

    You can fill the pivots with water or fertilizer by using a tanker truck and pulling up next to it or by using pallets. It takes a lot to top one off! I haven’t tried herbicide but I would think that would work too.

  29. Clint says:

    Can someone please help me install and unpack this map correctly thank you email [email protected]

  30. Ryan E. says:

    I love the new version of West Texas (with the extra houses and extra horse farm). At the shop, when I try to move the equipment I buy, it spawns inside the building, How do you get it out? The garage doors are too narrow for plows to fit through.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Do the pivots actually spray anything? I’ve tried liquid fertilizer, herbicide and water but I can’t get any of the pivots on the map to fill. Any help would be appreciated.

  32. Scorch says:

    Will be a great map once its completed, as it stands the way the map edges have been left unfinished is a bit off putting visually.

  33. Gaisjin says:

    How do i get the map to show all buildings and all points on the map if i download it it dose not show any icons or map placebles please help.

  34. BEAR1234 says:

    Love the map but my only issue is the farmhouse. Starting fresh on New Farmer you can use the house to sleep. Any other mode you can’t use the house which is fine but when I try to place my own house, it says 1 per farm meaning I have a house but reality you don’t and even if you look in owned items there isn’t a house to sell.
    What do I do in this situation??

  35. Anonymous says:

    Map is pretty awesome only issue is the house. Starting fresh it says 1 home per farm allowed and I obviously know that. Well the problem is I don’t have a farmhouse in my owned items. There is that starting house you can sleep in but you cant sell it which I don’t like because you cannot buy a different house on a farm site location.

  36. Anonymous says:

    I can’t buy the BGA on this map? If you have live stock maxed out, it’d be helpful to have the BGA available.
    I see a trigger at the BGA, but there aren’t any prices in the PDA for manure/ slurry?

    Other then that, best map I’ve played!

  37. Koreno says:

    Seasons shows sugarcane not available. Cotton shows planting and harvesting info but sugarcane is blank just like on maps where its not available. But I thought Sugarcane WAS available on this map. I know its in Texas cause I grew up in Sugar Land Texas behind the Imperial Sugar plant the remember getting whippins with a sugarcane stalk.

  38. Anonymous says:

    it not wisconsin

  39. Anonymous says:

    why can’t I save the game once I have started playing it? Any other maps I have save just fine.

  40. james says:

    the gates at the dealer are only open when the shop opens in the morning , they close at night just like the real deal

  41. Anonymous says:

    I’m not able I open the gates at the dealership anyone know why?

  42. billz says:

    I love this map since I farm in Texas in real world. Is there an update coming for full Maize Plus (Forages) support. Really want to have alfalfa and clover. Also, I planted grass on field 9 and it says it is growing but there is no grass visible. Not sure if there is a bug, I will try another field. And the dirt color is a little off for the Texas Panhandle area where it is mainly sand and red dirt clay. The area I farm in Central Texas has the Blackland Clay.

  43. RB says:

    First off, this is an awesome map. Thank you for all you effort in creating this beauty. Has anyone figured out how to remove the grass texture when you paint different terrain textures in the fields? Im trying to build a farm and cant get past the grass poking up everywhere in my gravel and cement areas.

  44. billz says:

    About to update mine, hopefully my extensive AutoDrive network survives the update!

  45. billz says:

    Newborn calf hutches

  46. billz says:

    There is a barn you have to back into that has a trigger and all the milk tanks.

  47. Anonymous says:

    There are 203 Small Animal Pens outside Heirloom Dairy. What are those for ? ? ? I can’t find a Trigger that makes them accept any type Animal.

  48. Confused Farmer says:

    What are all the Small White Pens North of the Dairy ? Newborn Calf Pens ? Chicken Pens ? Dog Pens ?

  49. Texas Farmer says:

    OZARKA Water and Lone Star Beer would both be Great on this Texas Map !!!

  50. Texas Farmer says:

    Where do I load Milk at the Large Cattle Pens ?

  51. Anonymous says:

    It’s a great Map. I enjoy playing it even more with some Gary P. Nunn Texas Music Playing

  52. Anonymous says:

    i cant open the gate at the dealership

  53. Question says:

    Definitely my favorite map. I’ve tried numerous times to install “Fruit TP” on your map with no success. Is there a way to make it work with your map?

  54. Shawn says:

    I can not find the cow feed trigger on the open cow pastures. tried multiple sets of equipment. i assume its the highlighted zone by the feeder but nothing ever triggers.

  55. Happy_Farmer_DK says:

    Am9505 : Course Play works fine, you just have to driv in to the field and then press ”Calculate current field´s edge path” then Course Play will see the field and you can save the path and its works.

  56. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering where i fill up some of the pivots such as in feild 35? i cant find a fill point for the pivot?


  57. am9505 says:

    Can I not use course play on the rounded fields? everytime I try to generate a course the field doesn’t show up in the available fields. As I have truly found that I Love the course play mod, and the fact that the fields are very large, it may be a deal breaker for me personally if course play is unavailable on those fields. Anyone know if it’s possible, maybe I am just doing something wrong. Any advice is greatly appreciated, so far this has been my favorite map I’ve found.

  58. Big Papa C says:

    Not enough areas to put placeables. I would like to replace the grain silos with larger ones and add some production placeables

  59. Curious says:

    @TheGreatLebowski: I am having trouble with saving a game. I have downloaded this one as well as the one right before this one and I cant get the game to save. It stays stuck on the saving game deal with the wheel turning (Saving content. please do not turn off your computer). I have tried it with and without mods so I know it isn’t a mod conflict. The previous version saved just fine. Any ideas as to what’s going wrong?

  60. Curious says:

    I cant get the game to save. I have the older version and it works just fine but not this version.

  61. Bodine says:

    does anyone have eqipment, long pieces, get stuck in the fence after purchasing from shop?

  62. Desperate Farmer says:

    I can not feed the animals in the pasture near field 30, can find the water, can find the straw, but not the feed trigger??? Get grass when I put down ground changes, and why can’t you level ground up to a road? Please Help?

  63. Anonymous says:

    1. Cannot refill water
    2, Dont have any silo

  64. Shae says:

    Cannot find the straw trigger at dairy farm.

  65. Buckeyefarmer says:

    Beautiful map. Worked on a farm in Vernon for 3 years. Question can you fill pivots with water or only with fertilizer?

  66. Rumplymaple says:

    Thank you “”The Great Lebowski” this is a Map to enjoy and embrace.
    I noticed you said you were ironing out the little hick-ups regarding the Pivots. Is there any other means in the interim in the current version of the game to apply water to the fields. I am about to loose all my crops due to drought. (Geez! I sound like a real farmer – haha)

  67. Farm says:

    Is this coming to Xbox?

  68. Jake says:

    Where do you fill up on seed to plant fields? I can’t seem to find where to get the seed from.

  69. Anonys says:

    Will this be coming to console or pc only?

  70. Anonymous says:

    do you have to own the dairy farm to put cows in it?

  71. Anonymous says:

    @TheGreatLebowski I’m having trouble finding the animal dialog trigger for cattle pen #6. #1-#5 okay so far. My goal is to max out cows so I’ll let you know if I find any other problems.

  72. Anonymous says:

    Love the map but having an issue with something. Some of my trailers, when loaded, now seem to heavy tith no mods. It is happe


    Your water does not work with boats u have a good ramp and i would love to use that plz thank you good map too.

  74. Fs19Xboxone says:

    Please convert to console

  75. Anonymous says:

    Please convert this to console, I dont care if all the scripts dont work, do it without them. Because ive been wanting a map exactly like this one for 2 years

  76. Garret says:

    How can I fix the grass growing in my terrain editor as I’m trying to put down a different ground texture?

  77. California farmer says:

    So is the large cow farm a dairy farm or feedlot. I’ve never been on a cow farm so I wouldn’t know

  78. Anonymous says:

    Did you ever release that edit?

  79. Anonymous says:

    ok, thanks. I found it and commented it out in the xml file..that worked. I love the pivot systems you put in, just wished they worked without being “in” the vehicle. I will be looking for the update when it comes out. Fantastic map by the way. I used to farm in the panhandle of Texas, Pampa, Amarillo, Clarendon, Lubbock and have been through Plainview many times. I love how you captured the feel of that area so well. Great job!!!!

  80. Anonymous says:

    Where is the 5mil in corn storage that it shows in the prices menu without buying anything?

  81. The Great Lebowski says:

    You can remove them in your saved Vehicles.xml. Look for “pivot”. Im still trying to get the kinks out of the pivot systems.

  82. Anonymous says:

    Is there anyway to get rid of the pivots? I have one field I would like to get the pivot removed.

  83. Roberts8123 says:

    Is there a way to have the pivots run without being in them?

  84. Dawson says:

    The pivot on 21 was working but the dot disappeared off of the map. You can still walk over and see the pivot is there but you can no longer enter it for use? Also, pivots stop applying fertilizer on the map if you are not “inside it.” Once you jump back inside they began to lay it down again. You can see the applied strips on the Precision Farming Map where it applies and then keeps running forward but stops applying. Thoughts?

  85. Anonymous says:

    Pivot was available on field 21 to enter and use. The dot disappeared from the map but the pivot is physically still there, but when you go next to it you can not enter it anymore. Thoughts?

  86. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I don’t know how the pivot works, could someone post a video explaining it? Thank you.

  87. The Great Lebowski says:

    @Anonymous use the fertilizer pallets and fill em at the center. same spot as you as you enter

  88. Anonymous says:

    How do you fill the pivots?

  89. The Great Lebowski says:

    @West Texan: The bale triggers is on the feed lanes. Same as how run the the feed mixer. It’s the same trigger.

  90. Anonymous says:

    @PhatMan Farming you would have to fix the farmland grle. It will only work if the land can be bought. Other than that you would have to update the map to this version to fix it.

  91. PhatMan Farming says:

    I love this map because I grew up about an hour from Plainview and this really was the first map that felt like where I grew up on the farm in Texas. I’ve edited your old version and added more cars and “life” to the city area, made the canyons and washouts and other low lying areas in the maps and fields flood during rains, made it maizeplus compatible and added propane, calf husbandry, anhydrous, and a few other crops like peanuts and filltypes like Dry_Maize.

    I do have issues using the BGA though, not matter what fields I buy I can’t get access to the silage clamps or any other triggers on it. Any ideas? I am sure its something Im doing wrong just cant figure it out. Been working on getting those pivots to work using some other stuff. I have a 220 M pivot but it’s still too small for some of the fields. LOL

    Really great job Man!

  92. Anonymous says:


    Love this map! I edited your old version for myself. I’ve added flooding in low lying areas and in the state park when it rains, maize plus, a few extra crops like peanuts, etc., calf husbandry, propane and anhydrous and added a little more deco to the towns in the form of cars and stuff. I do have an issue with the BGA not allowing me to use the silage clamps no matter what fields I buy in all of the different fS starting types. Any ideas?

  93. West Texan says:

    Where do you unload silage bales at the dairy.

  94. The Great Lebowski says:

    @The Farm Sim Guy. Based in part of real areas of the panhandle of Texas Lubbock/Quitaque Texas. In General its not in one Area its a mix. Wanted a map thats good for farming in general but nothing to flat and to boring. In short yes its based by real locations.

  95. Anonymous says:

    yes I have done that as well as just painting around sheds I’ve added.

  96. Viper says:

    On the dairy lot #6 the animal trigger is in the air. i used the landscape tool at brush strength 2.0 to raise it up to activate it.

  97. The FarmSim Guy says:

    Great Map man! Just out of interest is it based on a real location of fictional?

  98. The Great Lebowski says:

    Animal Pastures in general will have warning stripes on them. Turn on your interactive zones markers to help find them. Ill add the interactive zones at the dairy when i bring out the next update

  99. The Great Lebowski says:

    @Wyoming The Animal Triggers are by the posted number signs at the dairy/feedlot

  100. Mat says:

    By far my favorite map on FS19. My only issue is trying to figure out which plot of land to start out with! Great job!

  101. Wyoming Rancher 81 says:

    AWESOME MAP likely my favorite out of all of them, however can you help me please? On the feedlot pen #6 can you tell me where the animal dialogue spot is please? I can not for the life of me find it. Thanks

  102. The Great Lebowski says:

    The meat goes by liters and no you don’t need to have seasons for the meat to work

  103. gLebowski says:

    @Anonymous all you do is smooth out the ground to remove the grass texture

  104. Great Map says:

    was just wondering how the “meat” works in the fruit price menu..

  105. Anonymous says:

    only real problem I have is, every paintable texture has grass in it apart form the mud. and idk how to fix this. but overall very nice thankyou!

  106. Great Map says:

    Does anybody know how the “meat” works in the fruit prices menu? Do you have to be using seasons?

  107. Wyoming Rancher 81 says:

    Excellent map one of my favorites. I will admit some of the animal triggers are hard to find but the diversity and options of this map make up for it.

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