Money Tool v 1.0

Money Tool v 1.0

this is my first conversion for Farming Simulator 19. To use the Money Tool, you have to press “=” one time. Good game at all


FS17 : MX11
FS19 : So ‘

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File File size
zip FS19_MoneyTool 17 KB

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20 Responses

  1. sanyi says:

    I didin t work

  2. Anonymous says:

    thank you i appreciate it

  3. Anonymous says:

    I wish this would give u unlimited money but instead this piece of bullshit is not gonna work

  4. TP says:

    I just used it. Ctrl+Alt+0 DID work for me in Single Player Mode. You press all 3 keys at once & the last key is the number 0, NOT the letter O. Good luck & happy farming!

  5. MikoKKt says:


  6. Anonymous says:

    wen i instal it it dident work

  7. hoovers clydes says:

    umm this stuff is crap

  8. Gökhan KABACIK says:

    Abi seni çok seviyorum

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    didnt work

  11. budlen says:

    just take out a loan and pay it back?

  12. Anonymous says:

    werkt goed in single player

  13. Anonymous says:


  14. anyone says:


  15. Anonymous says:

    i’ve fixed the mod with the MoneyTool.lua of the 17 version, but had to change the key combination to only alt+ctrl, did work for singleplayer, but not for multiplayer yet (webinterface didnt show the mod to be active). Hope this information is helpful for the author to fix the files.

  16. Berndy says:

    Could it be that you uploaded the wrong modfile? i had a look at the code, and it didnt really made sense to me as to where it specifies the key that has to be pressed or where it will actually run the code responsible for adding the money…

  17. Anonymous says:

    don´t work that ether

  18. Anonymous says:

    I kept pressing = and it didn’t work

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