Michigan Map Seasons Ready v3.5

Michigan Map v 2.0

Here is the official Michigan Map, now Seasons Ready | Version 3.5!

What has been updated:
* Seasons Ready
* Ice
* Snowmen
* The Train has come back to town
* Error Free


Taylor Farms
Daze Farms

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zip FS19_Michigan_Map 594 MB

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68 Responses

  1. eddie kunchick says:

    i my for the you mod come as come of we did look by this look or was for we get or as dome as we did look bas top poaef\
    or see as or see this top srtee rertesrpos vois oiueroiue bv uoie vsoiuertsoiu uosiert ouiser vousoert osuu vsoeuroi vsuioer sour v uo suieort oius suou eruos uoer fuioauoert usoiet setois tousae euroit usoer v usoiert eroius oiueruos vusoiert ois se uoiert vuuet esduois oirt suoret setoi tosuet oiusetr oi

  2. marko lazin says:

    kako instalirati ove mape

  3. Anonymous says:

    kako skinuti ove mape

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is there a way to change the Filltypes to English? Everything is in English except when I goto the screen to see whats in my Silos all the fruittypes are in a different language.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Phill Pharmer says:

    Does anyone know where to buy liquid fertilizer and herbicide on this map. Besides buying pallets.

  7. Thomas says:

    Carl X, Lol I suppose if we were to update things a wee bit we could change some names to Star of the West, Active Feed Company (Animal Feed), Farmer’s CoOp (Pigeon, Elkton, Kinde, Verona) Farm Crest Food’s (Eggs), about 50 Dairy farms, (Verhaar Farms, Aquilla, Pine Row, Red Mountain, Tevortwist, Zwemmer, Round Tree. But you get the idea. For carrots there is always Kerry Pak out of Imlay City, and even Jack Mall Potato Company out of Munger. But the whole of Essexville is where they grew them as well as Posen, MI. Of coarse you have Michigan Sugar in Sebewaing, Caro, Carsonville, and Bay City. Speaking of Imlay City there is also the large Vlasic plant there. They make everything there not just pickles. Oh and here is a new one Quality Roasting, LLC. They are a Soybean roaster company that just opened up a year or so ago in Gilford, Michigan. They buy soybeans from the farmers, roast and grind the beans then spill and extract the oil from them. They then resell the roasted soybean mash as animal feed.

  8. Chris says:

    Playing the latest map with Michigan Seasons. In Field #12, I planted Barley. I ran all the way through the growth stages. The next days, the field color changed to dark brown, completely skipping the harvest stages, and went straight to the withering stage. I was forced to cultivate the crop under. Is there a bug in the map that you know of?

  9. Desaulnier93 says:

    Can you make season work again. I tried playing with season and it says to many fruits are on the ground

  10. chris says:

    is there going to be an update to get the train moving, every time i click on it , it sends me into outer space

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is this map going to be available for PS4

  12. Anonymous says:


  13. Tom says:

    Is there gonna be any update for this map coming soon? It is such a great map!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Is this available on Xbox one console

  15. van77 says:

    problem with a field 16 sunflower harvest
    ive harvested all the field and dump all seed at the elevator. but its saying im 11% short.
    im sure its a goof in the map.

  16. Anonymous says:

    When will.it come to.console

  17. bart says:

    my place in michigan it is very flat

  18. A nitpicker says:

    Sorry for nitpicking but there are no farms any where near camp grayling, maybe an auto maker cause they have lots of land there for testing?

  19. grh says:

    the water is white looks like a texture issue and the big pond has no water in it

  20. dillon says:

    how do I install this into my game???

  21. Farmer Mike says:

    Harvesters and pickup trucks do not work very well, They always freeze up. every thing else works fine.

  22. Martin says:

    A nice map. But a town is misses. And can you fill up the trenches? They disturbes.

  23. Lazlo says:

    Can’t get this to install. Downloaded and put into mods folder but still missing on startup.

  24. serbia says:

    remove the john deer combine in front of the store as Course play diagnoses the combine

  25. Anonymous says:

    theres a bug when you harvest corn it makes the game really laggy please fix

  26. Anonymous says:

    Yooooo, now snow on roads? Lol awwwh dang

  27. jess says:

    noticed that i can buy horses but they wont sell

  28. Mr. Farmer says:

    How do you use a save from 3.0 in 3.5 map. It always says a new save is good idea, but I’ve never been able to get that to work.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Huge FPS drops during corn harvest.

  30. Anonymous says:

    No triggers to sell at shop

  31. Anonymous says:

    Can you make it so we can buy the lands around the buildings so you can mow the grass

  32. Tyler says:

    When is this map coming to console.

    • jess says:

      thats a giants thing. the creator would have to make the map compatible with console then submit it through giant

  33. Helllord says:

    No sell points….

  34. Rob says:

    What do you press to open the doors??

  35. Anonymous2 says:

    Question. When loading the map, it shows a big shop in the main farmstead area, however in game it’s not there? Solutions?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Does not work, like 0 fps and couldnt get the menu to come up forever then quit would not work, had to end task. Never had that on a map before.

  37. The_Pekster says:

    When I try to start a new game I can’t cause the map doesn’t show up as a selection but it shows that it’s in my mods does anyone know but I can’t see it when I try to start a new farm

  38. Anonymous says:

    my game shows the map in the mods section and when i got to career start new game and start from scratch the map inst their to be choose

  39. Josh says:

    did I do something wrong DL map but its not playing very well I can only move once every 5 mins shows 8FPS do i need to unzip something ?

  40. Chief says:

    I get low FPS with this map. Not sure why. Getting 60fps on other maps, even 4X but only 20 fps with this one

  41. Anonymous says:

    Best map ever.I liked the big fields and open areas but the map is not very alive, it will be better if we can see a few people walking around the shops or near resident areas and also a road which goes outside the map

  42. Johan says:

    The doors of the standart sheds wouldnt open . I can drive through them but the wouldnt open . Otherwise a great map . Please fix the door problem

  43. Linda says:

    Question : I can’t paint grass when building my farm?

  44. Matthew says:

    version 3.0 has been awesome thank you for fixing, sell points are visible in menu and on the map, but can’t get triggers to work, but i like the map so much i just put in my own sell point. i’m not sure how to fix, but its my sandbox, i can be lazy if i want lol.

  45. Carson W. says:

    Great map. Everything works for me. Like the way the sell prices adjust. Best yet and I have used a few very good maps.

  46. gelurian says:

    after the update to 1.3 is not working nothing any more

  47. Anonymous says:

    Wont allow hayloft to be placed

  48. sodacan888 says:

    its like 3 different parts of Michigan in one map hahaha

    • Anonymous says:

      I live in michigan and I have never seen a single place so flat. You go to any area and it is just large rolling hills, with actual forests, not just lines of trees. Not sure if the modder is even from michigan tbh…

      • Snowmane says:

        I live in Michigan as well. While there could be a few bumps here or there for a little character on the land, where I am at actually is a fairly flat location. We have the odd rolling hills here and there, but the map doesn’t feel that wrong for my area at the very least, and that’s what I like about it.

      • Carl X says:

        I too live in MI, and grew up in the Thumb smack dab in farm country. Tuscola, Huron, and parts of Bay county are so flat you can see for miles in every direction. Lol when I was a kid we would sit in our back yard in Gagetown and watch the fireworks in Bay city, Caseville, and Saginaw. That being said rolling hills are not uncommon in these areas either, and would give the map a bit more character.

      • Kirmie says:

        Wild guess, but the modder is likely from the Saginaw area based on the names. There are some really flat areas around. Though the majority of Michigan is different. A Traverse City region would be pretty cool.

        Anyways, thinking it’s all hills is like Michiganders thinking Ohio is flat because everybody only sees what is near I-75. The SE is all hills and trees.

  49. Anonymous says:

    when will there be an update for wood trigger ?

  50. Anonymous says:

    love this map, i did find a couple of fields with corn only that really lagged the game during harvest. need this map on a 4x map.

  51. baer says:

    sell points dont work on multiplayer

    • Billy Bob Thorton says:

      Yes they do. You have to follow directions and now have this map and 13 others in your mods folder with it.

  52. Joseph Denson says:

    Please make this available on console

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