Vehicle Control Addon v1.0

This script varies the steering speed depending on the speed you are driving, and it rotates the camera to match the steering angle and direction. Shift-Left limits throttle, cruise control and maximum rounds per minute to 75%. With Shift-right and the cursor keys you can peek in the corresponding direction. If you press Ctrl left together with W then the driving direction snaps to fixed directions. Additionally, there is a simple gear box. It was never planned to make a super realistic gearbox. The following transmisions are available:
off: the standard gearbox without customization
IVT: Still the standard gearbox but with little adjustments to the allowed RPM range. More to come…
4X4: An old fashioned transmissoin with 4 gears in 4 groups and shuttle control. Shifting gears takes time and you might lose momentum.
4PS: The same transmissoin as above but with power shift for the gears
2X6: Two groups with 6 gears. This transmission is useful for G27/G29 gear shifters. There is a low and a high range. The 6 gears in each range do not overlap with the 6 gears in the other range
FPS: Full Power Shift: The transmission has 12 gears and shifts without interuption.
6PS: 6 gears with power shift: This transmission has 6 gears. Each gear can be reduced by about 80%

Shift-Left limits throttle, cruise control and maximum rounds per minute to 75%. With Shift-right and the cursor keys you can peek in the corresponding direction.
If you press Ctrl left together with W then the driving direction snaps to fixed directions.

All functions are switchable with the following default key combinations:
[Ctrl Left + C]: Settings
[Ctrl Left + W]: Snap Angle (continue)
[Alt Left + W]: Snap Angle (restart)
[Shift Left]: Throttle limiter / reduced cruise control speed
[Shift Right + Cursor]: look forward, backwards, left right
[Space]: Change direction (aka shuttle control)
[[]: Gear up
[‘]: Gear down
[]]: Range up
[#]: Range down
[;]: Neutral and handbrake


Stefan Biedenstein

4.4/5 - (142 votes)

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File File size
zip FS19_VehicleControlAddon 238 KB

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31 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    How to vehicle back gear

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have extended driving installed and when I switch to reverse with space bar my brakes come on and I am not able to go backwards at all

  3. ગેમ ડાઉનલોડ says:

    ગેમ ડાઉનલોડ

  4. Anonymous says:

    sometimes for some reason it wont let me put my machines in reverse when i have something like a plow is equiped

  5. Anonymous says:

    Looking for this kinda mod specifically the shuttle control and may be the option to set a parking brake BUT i want it to be off by default and you if you activate it will it work want to use online and have sevral that do not what it so i want one that will not just be on no matter what

  6. Hdgdl says:

    Ich hab die abschleppstange raus aber es funktioniert trotzdem nur bei meinem Drescher und nicht bei den Traktoren warum?

  7. Anonymous says:

    i have intalled the mod, i can change the key options of the mod, but it doesn’t work in the game, i don’t know what to do, can alyone help me? This is my discord MANGISTERZ#4861

  8. Loocno says:

    Die Mod ist ebenfalls nicht mit der Abschleppstange Kompartibel, falls jemand daran so verzweifelt wie ich es getan hab. xD

    • Anonymous says:

      gibt es auch andere mods mit denen er nicht funktioniert bei mir geht es ohne Abschleppstange auch nicht

  9. Todd says:

    Great mod but please add analog axis option for hand throttle.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Looks great.. Made me want a stick shift for PC :).. Only got like an automatic stick shift only moving in two directions. Anyway it could work to get reverse at the bottom of a linear range?

    Would also be nice to get info on what transmissions are real world correct for the various tractors in game.

  11. Treyten says:

    love this mod! its making realism a lot easier to see! great mod

  12. Girotto says:

    loved it! thanks

  13. Anonymous says:

    how do you move the lines for the gps ,, i cant changre from 3 meters

  14. Anonymous says:

    How to put ib reverse, i have 4×4 powershift on a wheel without clutch and gearbix i can go to LL, L, M ,H bu there isnt reverse

  15. Ryan says:

    Doesn’t work press left ctrl and c just changes my vieq

  16. Guille says:

    Es incompatible con la season mod, necesitaría una actualización para corregir eso después todo lo demás joya

  17. Anonymous says:

    cant get it to work,press left ctrl + c and don´t go.May be have trouble with guidance steering???? please help
    in career go so good . in Multiplayer don´t go.

  18. VeN0m86 says:

    Must have mod, thank you Mogli12!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Mod działa tylko na oryginalnych maszynach i na oryginalnej mapie co zrobić żeby działał na wszystkim

  20. LS09God... says:

    @Anonymouse: Speak for yourself. I need the shuttle function. Using wheel and paddles it’s dumb to go backwards with the brake.
    This is the thing that makes this mod useful for all wheel users. If the mod isn’t working fine, there must be a conflict on your side…
    I select direction with my gear shifter, but lot’s of people use the space bar to select driving direction.

    Awesome mod, been using it since version; At that time the mod was still named as KeyboardSteerMogli and made for FS17.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Remove shuttle feature and it will be even better, the shuttle feature is making my vehicles move on its own. Please remove it, we do not need that. Manual trans is fine. Otherwise i love the mod, and i would love to see this be updated, and maintained.

  22. Anonymous says:

    The mod stopped working what can I do?

  23. Nico says:

    LOVE IT <3 . Install the Mod in Mods, Ingame Keysettings for me und Options with CRTL + C.

    THANKS for this new realismus

  24. Anonymous says:

    cant get it to work

  25. Anonymous says:

    i cant press CNRLT and left+C

  26. Anonymous says:

    dobry mod

  27. harmen says:

    instal in your modfolder

  28. WagoNite says:

    how do i install this to fs19

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