All productions for the NF march 4-fold v1.0

Here the important building, productions and objects for the Nordfriesische 4fach Map.
The pack is needed for the full function of the NF March Map, and Global Company must also be in the Modfolder. All objects are Seasons ready.

cheese dairy
cement plant
sugar factory
Apple orchard
Pear orchard
Cherry orchard
Plum plantation
diesel factory
fertilizer production
Hay drying hall
Compound feed production
Liquid fertilizer production
Sewage Treatment Plant
pellets factory
Plant protection production
seed production
Pig feed production
Pulp / paper mill

Placeable buildings / objects:
Bale warehouse for straw
Bale warehouse for silage
Multifruit farm silo
Wood direct sales
to make averse building for money

Version 3.3 with 11 new products and more
New production of turf
New production jam factory with 6 new products, apple sauce, prune jam, strawberry, raspberry, peach and cherry jam
New production food factory with the production of pizza, ready meals and fish with fries
All running costs of the productions changed
Greenhouses are cheaper to buy
Slightly more milk output when raising cattle with milk
The butcher’s entrance is slightly widened
Tomato output slightly increased for stars
Strawberry field logo flickers less
Expand clothing factory to include wooden blocks

Version 3.2 for NF March 4-fold Map Version 2.9
Spelling mistake GC Menu Fischbarik corrected
Fischfabrik Info Text corrected
Distillery expanded by 2 new types of schnapps (eggnog and strawberry lime)
New production of mirabelle plums
New production peach plantation
New raspberry field production
The 5 new products added to the wholesale business

3.1 Production
New fish factory with the production of plaice fillet, herring in tomato sauce and crab salad
Ketchup Mayo factory expanded to include a new tomato sauce product
Ketchup and Mayo Factory Center Building now has Collison
Käserei Deko milk truck is no longer in the wall
Central warehouse expanded to include new products
Chicken description “H” fixed at vegetable factory
Wholesale supplemented by the new 4 products
Chicken coop productivity slightly increased with a slight reduction in grain consumption

Produktionen 3.0
Lagerhalle Bezeichnung Reibekuchen / Kroketten gefixt
PlayerTrigger Kartoffelfabrik vergrößert
Mehr Mist und Gülle bei der Rinderzucht und Rinderzucht mit Milch
Überarbeitung Gemüsefabrik neu mit Herstellung von Pilzsuppe und Kürbissuppe
Neue Produktion Holzkohlefabrik
Händler um die neuen Sorten ergänzt
Windmühle BodenLevel verkleinert
Hofsilo Collision Abladestelle verbessert

Produktion 2.9
Neue Produktion Kartoffelfabrik mit Herstellung von Pommes, Chips, Reibekuchen und Kroketten
Lagerhallen Displayanzeige Mayo und Ketchup passend verschoben
Saatgutproduktion Ausgabe Saatgutpaletten möglich
Düngerproduktion Ausgabe Düngerpaletten möglich
Flüssigdüngerproduktion Ausgabe Paletten möglich
Pflanzenschutzproduktion Ausgabe Paletten möglich
Trigger Heutrocknung leicht verschoben
Rübenschnitzel kann nun zu Kompost verarbeitet werden
Mauern bei Verkaufsstation Mc.Donalds’s ein wenig abgesenktww
Französische Übersetztung
Neue Produkte beim Handel eingefügt und Pommes beim Mc.Donalds

Version 2.81 Ketchup & Mayo
New production of ketchup & majo
Farm shop expanded to include mushrooms, pumpkins, strawberries and eggs
Mushroom production of empty pallets postponed
New products added to the trade and McD
Height level better adapted to the new position by the fisherman
The input of all warehouses is increased so that fewer pallets remain when storing
Visibility of some objects at the sawmill reduced
Grain capacity at the flour factory and malt house slightly increased
Plum juice fixed the color scale in the warehouse
Fix 2.81 Onion sack instead of loose onions and Collision factory buildings

Version 2.7 strawberries and mushrooms
New production strawberry field
New production mushroom greenhouse
Pumpkin patch display better lit.
Sale trigger at textile and clothing factory postponed
Improved lighting at MC Donlalds
Collision courtyard shop doors taken out
Fixed floating shelf at distillery
Fixed sign at Pumpkin Seed Field
Fixed pallet issue at textile and clothing factories
Trade in new products

Version 2.6 fabric clothes and pumpkin
New production textile factory with production of fabric and knitting wool
New production clothing factory with production of work shoes and work clothes
New production pumpkin patch
Pulp mill now with shift operation (for money / cash box) for more paper and cardboard production
Grain factory carton pallets moved to match
Beehives for honey bees moved to ground level
Fixed a mistake in the whiskey issue at the distillery
Propagating grass is now available as feed for the chickens
Light in the pallet hall at the cement factory
Correction product in orchards for raw material honey (cherry, pear and plum)
Purchase prices standardized in various productions
Dairy deleted the old door script references

Version 2.5 Holzlager
Neues Lager für Holzstämme
Error:Index not found: dischargeNode Fehler bei Tischler und Palettenwerk behoben
Fehler mit Honigpaletten bei der Brennerei gefixt
Fehler Birnenplantageninfo im Shop gefixt
Preis vom Wassereinkauf bei der Brauerei reduziert
Preis für Wassereinkauf für Hühnerstall und Rinderzucht reduziert
Spwanplatz beim Tischler leicht verschoben

Version 2.4 distillery, carpenter and honey
New production distillery with production of grain, fruit schnapps, vodka and whiskey
New carpenter production with production of wooden barrel and beehive
New production honeybees with production of honey
Space for carpenters has been set up on the sawmill site
Apple, pears, cherries and plum plantations expanded to include beehive and honey
Prices for water purchases significantly reduced for all productions
Less texture fluctuations in the food warehouse
Missing text in the English XML file “Schlachter Lamm” added
Fixed a bug in the English XML file for the pear plantation
Fixed static manureHeap error on composter
Brandy and honey built into the wholesale business
Fixed incorrectly positioned pallets at the grain factory
Description of the sawmill added

Version 1.7 cattle breeding and vegetables
New buildings cattle breeding and cattle breeding with milk
New productions greenhouse tomato, cauliflower, lettuce and red cabbage
Fixed typo in cheese dairy, dairy, oil mill, Katonpalette -> cardboard pallet
Fixed a typo in Schlachter Fleich -> Fleisch
Fixed typing errors. Commas between water, compost, empty pallet inserted in the plantations
Wholesale expanded with new vegetables
New small BGA wedge silo

Version 1.6 Match Map
This version includes the range of points and the target area for the match map

Version 1.4
All orchards extensively revised / expanded with bonus levels for more yield
Cement factory revised and expanded with red stones and gray stone pallets
New production of fishing trawlers with plaice, herring, crabs and lobster pallets
Slightly postponed misuse distribution in chickens

Placeable buildings and productions 1.2
Placeable BGA bunker silos can only be rotated 90 degrees
Placeable BGA bunkers Silos corrected collision so nothing pushes through the wall
Marking at the slaughterhouse added for delivery area of the animals

Version 1.1
Productions & Placeable Buildings
New production butcher with meat, sausage, leather and by-products
New warehouse for heurundballen
New warehouse for grass round bales
4 BGA silo bunkers single, double and wedge silos
Sawmill Texture fixed
When placing the old yard now no yard decoration (grass, flowers, shrubs) will be deleted
Cement factory paper and pallets display was reversed
Fixed bug with Bale Bearing Silage Icon
Signs at cement factory for empty pallets and paper pallets dispensing
Cement and cheese factory Seasons bug fixed
Placeable trade shows all current products that can be sold there
New products can be sold at the trade
Marker sales area during trading
The description text at flour factory and lime works are now correct
Syringes can now be filled at the fluid store
Tank liquid fertilizer production has the right name again
Construction site now also buys cement
Placeable windmills now turn around properly


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File File size
rar FEDMods_Ordner_Entpacken_v3.3fix 800 MB

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10 Responses

  1. davide says:

    la mappa non è completa di fabbriche

  2. tomi hundzsa says:

    hogykel lehuzni

  3. za_snake says:

    will this work on my mac?

  4. Daniel Perreault says:

    Pouver vous faire une mise a jour pour faire et ramasser la luzerne car dans la map ca ne fonctionne pas merci d’avance

  5. Black Dawg Gaming says:

    So it’d be really cool if somehow the accompaning you tube videos, would be CC translate capable.
    There is a lot to the production, and finding how many or what takes to make a sellable final product without a translation of sorts is to say the least not only frustrating and time consuming.

  6. Konig Trolle says:

    Because it repacks in mod folder?
    If so click that file and move it to documents, open normally (not unzip) and click each file separately and move to mod folder.

  7. parwinder says:

    please send me link how we can download fs 19

  8. Lidhril says:

    File is broken, cant unpack it to use in mods

  9. Hounddog278 says:

    where do we buy or make steel at?

  10. Tukker 65 says:

    Why uploadein this time the mods of NFM and not the map? Last time we get the map and not the mods! Any one?

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