The NF Marsch 4fach is the extension of the Nordfriesian March standard size and is Seasons Mod ready.
All productions and placeable buildings are available for download in an extra pack.
You also need the Global Company Mod to be able to play the map without restrictions.
Have fun while being productive;)
Multifruit: rye, onions, carrots, spelled, poppy, mixed grain, millet and sorghum,
Other types of fill are built from the map: earth, sand, gravel, beet pulp and compost.
Productions in the extra pack that has to be downloaded extra
sugar factory
Apple orchard
Pear orchard
Cherry orchard
Plum plantation
diesel factory
fertilizer production
Hay drying hall
Compound feed production
Liquid fertilizer production
Sewage Treatment Plant
pellets factory
Plant protection production
seed production
Pig feed production
Pulp / paper mill
cheese dairy
cement plant
+ Dieverse placeable buildings like Ballenhalle, earning objects for money,
North Frisian plains with attention to detail, typical of dikes, ditches, forests, deco windmills
Great fields
22 sales stations
2 bga’s
New missions
Very much space for placeable objects of all kinds


fedaction letsplay + shelly

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File File size
zip FS19_NF_Marsch_4fach 758 MB

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34 Responses

  1. vosmeer says:

    Anny change that this map comes too F22????
    Komt dieser map zum F 22???

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can the modder come with a update that includes AUTO OPEN DOORS>>>> have animatedObject extended installed, but ur xml files dont support this. And iam too dumm to change this meself ( LOL)

  3. Anonymous says:

    hogykel lehuzni

  4. Anonymous says:

    ehhh no Mund :{

  5. Iceman68 says:

    Download mod (without trenches) [ShareMods] –> File not found

  6. peter_jenp says:

    how can I build a bridge in the intended way?
    with kies sand wasser zement stahl

  7. sem_tb says:

    How I get all buildings placed? I got the extension but when I start the game with that map, I only see the tractors but no sheds or something…

  8. Ian Brown says:

    I just want to say that I cannot buy any fields is that because of the global company mod or what?

  9. Radan says:

    All name in german and russia.Can that change?

  10. Crash & Yoshi says:

    It does load properly and all placeables work…. if done properly…Download the map, download the extension RAR, put all ZIP files from extension RAR file into MOD folder, put map into the MOD folder, and the run game. Problem is, despite there being an English translation XML file in the translation folder, it still does not translate into English. I even tried removing all other translation XML files from the folder and it still did not force the English translation. Sad face as it looks like a cool map. Uninstalling.

  11. loly326 says:

    are people really this retarded?
    download the map
    download the “FEDMods_Ordner_Entpacken_v2.3” at the bottom of this mods description for sell points.
    download global company from Giants modhub
    press left control G in the game go to the options tab and Enable the advanced building placement option to place buildings anywhere you want.

  12. юра says:

    Где взять пакет производств для этой версии.

  13. Anonymous says:

    How do you get to field 65? and where is the extra pack as mentioned in the original description?

  14. Anonymous says:

    не работает карта с продажей урожая я менял название всеравно не работает как решыть проблему

  15. Manborg says:

    For anyone having a Problem with the sellers: rename the main mod .zip file to “”. After that they showed up for me

  16. joppe says:

    Someone can play this map? I can’t No building i GlobalCompanu, and no seller in the seller-window. Yes, I dl the extension. Someone have a guide hoeeeew to do? hur make this map?

  17. Jorgen Bach says:

    Are the someone here the verly can play this map 100%

  18. Anonymous says:

    You gota use the free placement setting in Global

  19. Anonyme says:

    Impossible de placer des objets !! Rien est fait pour que cela marche, même après la dernière mise à jours de la carte de janvier!!

  20. Rey77 says:

    Bella ma non si riesce ad inserire nuovi oggetti dice che collidono con altri oggetti????

  21. Jan says:

    Autoload does not work on trailers and semi-trailers adapted for this. On other maps with the same modes it works.

  22. TVFALCONS says:

    Tja nice map, no things pace no any tractors total emty. wow whit low money, No go

  23. jm says:

    impossible de placer des objets pleacables sur la carte

  24. Anonymous says:

    If you want to see the sellers just change the folde name like i did —> FS19_NF_Marsch_4fach You will see all of them but you will still have problem with placeble items.. I tryed everything and i cant place anything on my map!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Opened the map and there were no sellers. Had the same problem with some other maps today but with this one it was especially disappointing because I really wanted to play it. Anyone have a suggestion for solving the issue? And yes, I did download the expansion pack which neither helped nor made it worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      hi you alright mate where did you get the expansion pack from

    • J_K_NIELSEN says:

      hi i have downloaded the latest FS19_NF_Marsch_4fach v1.9
      but you can’t put anything on the map I’ve tried with mods and without mods but it doesn’t help anything so I’ve thought about and dropping maps is something that will be solved the problem of not being able to place Objects in the map

  26. Sugefem says:

    Could not place object anywhere ..

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