West Consin Multiplayer v1.0

West Consin Multiplayer v1.0

Here is a map that has two almost identical fields and the city is right in between them.
There are two similar farm areas and they can buy for almost the same price.
It is a map designed specifically for multiplayer play and will play against the other.

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zip West_Consin_Mulitplayer 217 MB

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4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    great map i love player on it only thing ive found so far is i can not find a sell point for food products like beets and potatoes with no map indicators for sell points im losted. email aussieaussieaussie912@yahoo.com.au if you can help or tell me where they are

  2. Mohamed says:

    The map is great and I hope that the mapmakers will understand that there are countries that make the farmland flat and not over mountains or hills. The straight map is square or rectangular much better than randomness and I like it

  3. Anonymous says:

    The map is awesome but it would be nice to be able to combine some of the smaller fields together. Keep up the good work & thanks for creating this map!!

  4. Bobroy Minnesota Farmer says:

    Great map But will you please take out the dam roads between the fields so I can put them togeather Cant plow cement or tar Thanks Again other then that great great map

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