Typowa Polska Map v4.2

Typowa Polska Wies v4.2 BETA

The full map description will appear after the official release of the full version! For now it is only BETA. If any error is found, please send it to my Facebook Fanpage “Puma145”. Thank you very much in advance!

What does the map have?
– 3 farms,
– Krowy / Świnie / Owce / Kury,
– 33 fields and 3 meadows,
– Areas bought,
– 2 Purchases of Grain,
– Purchase of straw / hay / bales,
– biogas plant,
– Purchase of cattle,
– dairy,
– Purchase of Wool,
– Gas stations,
– Lime being purchased,
– Machine Shop,
– Machines for start,
– 3 lands for start,
– Doors and gates opened on a mouse,
– PDA,
– Varied terrain,
– Clean log,
– Order in files,
– and much much more! : D



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File File size
zip FS19_TypowaPolskaWiesv4_2_FV 222 MB

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3 Responses

  1. ja says:

    fajna mapa

  2. Anonymous says:

    kolego mapa ci wyszła nie

  3. bart says:

    kolego mapa ci niw wyszla nie bede opisywal sie ale nie warta czasu, duzo problemow na niej np nie ma sprzedazy plonow
    itp itd. ogolnie ladna, mala, zgrabna ale po dlugim graniu denerwuje

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