Welcome to Oklahoma 4X. The map is based on the North-West part of Oklahoma, USA.

Release Notes:
– Map is Seasons ready with a snow mask and custom Geo inbuilt (with Alfalfa).
– Foliage layers will change colors according to seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)
– Custom lighting added, orange sunrise and sunset, darker nights, denser clouds.
– Added Around 66 fields, ranging from medium to large.
– 8 custom farm areas on the map with the cow, hogs, sheep, horse & chicken pens.
– Custom silos for grain and custom harvestore silos for grass/hay/straw/alfalfa Included.
– All farms have water and fuel triggers. I left out the house trigger so players can add their own houses.
– A BGA plant can be found on the center of the map which includes 2 large underground silage pits.
– 13 sell points including wood, wood chips, cotton, milk, eggs, grains & root crops.
– There is a Case Dealership at the center of the map, animal dealer, Feed shop for seeds and fertilizer.
– Map has modified traffic, variable speeds with increased collision barriers.
– Alfalfa crop added that re-grows multiple times per season can be baled and fed to cows.
– BeanStraw and CornStalk added and can be baled, sold for a good price.
– Added sell point for chaff, for those that don’t want to mess with making silage like me.
– Transport missions are included.
– Added Anhydrous Ammonia as a new fertilizer type. Supports Precision Farming with Soil Map.
– Custom crop textures by “forgotten plants” and custom corn stubble and soybeans in rows from CCS101 & NEFG Modding (Base map from CCS101).
– Multi-Terrain Angle installed, using 32 angles.
– Increased filltypes to support Seasons, StrawHarvest, maize plus mods.
– Map is completely Error-free and just 4 small warnings that are harmless.

Note: I do not take complete credits for the models/objects as a few of them are from Fs17 maps where I did convert, make changes to models and textures.

I had spent 6 months on this map and this has been my hardest work so far. If you think I deserve some reward for my hard work, please buy me a coffee or a drink.
Any donations however small are always very much appreciated & this would be an extra motivation for me to bring better maps to FS 22. Thank you!


DJ Modding

Map Models & objects: Giants Software, CCS101, DR Modding, MRG Mapping, Txzar Mapping, CBJ Midwest Modding, Seriousmods, NoCreekFarms, NEFG Modding, Antler22, CSA Modding, PM-Modding, RWModding, AWModding, Fatian and TSM, blueweb, Rory Kain, bhModding, North Simulation, cjwilksy, IB055, ThompsonM06, Fendt512, Basti_66, Nubsi, and 4MR modding.

Scripts: LS-Modcompany/kevink98, LKX/Stegei, Evgeny Zaitsev, TracMax, CCS101.

– I apologize if there are objects on the map that are not credited properly. Please drop me a message so that I can update credits. I would always credit people’s work properly.
– I would always be grateful to Will(CCS101) for helping me with my maps, scripts, and much more when needed.
– I would always be grateful to CCS101, DR Modding, MRG mapping, Serious Mods, Txzar Mapping for letting me use models from their maps.
– I would always be grateful to Djgoham Gaming, Klutch Simulations, FSClub, MRG mapping, TheFarmSimGuy, Kederk Farms, Virtual Farmer, Farmer Klein, PrestigeWorldWide, FeenixFeather & Red Dirt Ranch Gaming for the support and map reviews.

4.8/5 - (34 votes)

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zip FS19_Oklahoma_4x 903 MB

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16 Responses

  1. Spawn says:

    can you change this map to a 16X….

  2. Don C. says:

    I can’t purchase sheep and I can’t feed the pigs. Any assistance is greatly appreciated as I would love to make this a top 5 map :). Thanks.

  3. Justin says:

    I love this map. You did a wonderful being I live in Oklahoma this map is very realistic. The only problem is it seems to not let me cut grass but everything else works wonderful.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Was going to give this a try, but I think I’ll wait for fixes. I’m new and don’t really want problems that I can’t deal with. Sounds like it’s more of an advertisement than a map.

  5. Quintes says:

    About this one type of tree, it is possible to cut this. Use T-rex 600, with right side of cutter.

  6. vi23vi says:

    Najpierw sadzą drzewa ,potem podnoszą teren i mamy takie drzewa (krzaczki sraczki xd) których sciac nie idzie

  7. Lateralus says:

    Yeah Papa C I have the same problem with that tree, I cant plow new fields because of this.

  8. Lateralus says:

    Hey man I cant cut certain trees down at certain times, I cant use my chainsaw and sometimes it wont even let me select my chainsaw or any other tool. Its a great map all around dont get me wrong but this can be frustrating but also I get it making maps and getting them to work right I imagine is a monumentalk rask especially a map this size. I hope you cane look into this. Thank you have a great day and good luck with your map I’ll be looking out for updates.

  9. Tom Kirkman says:

    Please do field devisions so that they cover the entire map. Would like to purchase Field 25 and add access to the main road, however you have that annoying $14M block that covers everything that isn’t a field. That needs to go first thing. I should be able to purchase any block up to a road if I chose too. I agree with the excess static equipment comment causing lag and also being in the way at some farms. Nice, but a bit over done.

  10. Papa C says:

    In my previous comments, I forgot to mention it is very difficult to flip the grass into hay with a tedder. I had to get a grass dryer mod to make hay. This needs tending to as well. However I still like the map very much. It reminds me of Texas with the long roads and highways. This is beautiful. Do Not Change the speed of the cars on the highways and roads. I like it fast. It is realistic.

  11. Papa C says:

    I really enjoy this map. The layout is great. I love the fast speed on the highway. So far i have one issue; one tree type cannot be cut down. It’s trunk is dark brown and the limbs and leaves hang like the weeping willow tree. I tried a chainsaw and other wood cutting machine. Out of 10-12 of these trees I can cut down one. Please fix this. I have land that needs clearing.

  12. Wyoming Rancher 81 says:

    Great map thanks for awesome details and effort you put into it.

  13. Anonymous says:

    most maps you can only sell bales. use the map object hider to hide the static collision items.
    Also maybe you should download it from his official site.

  14. Poncho says:

    Tried hard to play this map – truly we gave it a college try.
    – Many of the static vehicles that are ‘props’ are everywhere at some sell points, causing lag and sometimes getting in the way
    – Some of the gates have objects that catch/snag trailers; must babysit vehicles when using Courseplay
    – Some sell points say they take a product, only to drive all the way there to find out they don’t (you cannot sell straw at the designated points – you will need a mod to sell loose straw/hay/grass)
    – Guardrails are everywhere – many where they shouldn’t/would never be

    MP experience turned into a circus so quickly – best part of the game was throwing eggs at muppet DJ GoHamCrazy. Mebbe next time? Hard to believe 6 months of development work, and all the thank you billboards everywhere and not one player tested selling things like straw. Come on, man…

  15. Poncho says:

    Great map for MP – is there a version or edit that gets rid of the billboards and advertisements posted everywhere around the shop? The lag is pretty bad on a server with 5 players, and seriously who wants to see those YouTube muppets anyway? Most of them don’t even farm the way many of us do, and because it’s not a console map, they can’t entertain their fanboy 11yr old sub-base with it.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I installed this map and i purchased the land at the Farm above Field 13, and I try to purchase Sheep for the Sheep pen, I confirm my purchase, but there are no sheep being put in the sheep pen. I saved my game, and quit game, then came back to the game and when I go to the sheep pen and then check to see if any sheep are there, still none, could you please fix. Otherwise so far nice map.

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