City Service 2020 Silverado v 1.1

City Service 2020 Silverado v 1.0

There’s a credits.txt in the zip if you’re interested about certain parts. I will Try to keep it updated and improved as time goes on, i would like to be using my scripts but I cant implement them without the addConfig.lua so in another version i suppose.

Be sure to post Pics i would love to see how you implement on your farms.

If you have issues i can try to help: i don’t know everything!!
–If It’s my Error let me know i’ll fix and update– check your log and other mod conflicts first as my log is clear at this release.

Many different options hope you enjoy!

Works: with Nick Exley’s Warn Winch & Blue Modding’s Northern Equip


Rockin’ T
Read Credits.txt

4.2/5 - (25 votes)

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File File size
zip City_2020_Silverado 144 MB

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12 Responses

  1. TheArmyGuy says:

    I hate Chevy but I might try this truck out.

  2. Anonymous says:

    im a big fan of Chevy to

  3. Anonymous says:

    The suspension is incredible on this truck!!! I love it!!!!

  4. tyler says:

    how do you turn on the ploice lights on the chevy city seirvice

  5. Craig says:

    Maybe its a setting on my end but, the emergency lights on this truck dont seem very bright, and i even have my realistic beacon setting turned on. Any suggestions? Otherwise i like this truck.

  6. Anonymous says:

    the original did not have the sirens for me and this only shows up in the mod hub downloaded tab 🙁

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