Mack Daycab and Mack Sleeper Truck v

Mack Daycab and Mack Sleeper Truck v

here a Mack with Daycab (short cabin) and Sleeper (long cabin) in the fixed and revised version.

The mod comes from FS17, and was / there are already from me here for DL.

Mod runs on standard script with the partial usual FS19 features and functions.

Top speed: 83 km / h
Purchase price: 265000 – 295000 € + Config

Changelog V

Fixed steering
Textures revised
Lighting adapted
Chassis properties adapted
Engine data adapted to the performance
4 engines added to the selection (MP7 – 325 hp and 405 hp) (MP8 – 415 hp and 505 hp)


winston9587, Carolina Boy, Pussycat

4.2/5 - (17 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS19_Mack_Trucks 142 MB

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2 Responses

  1. winston9587 says:

    this is not the original mod pussycat never did anything it was released on the the original is error free. and this wont be on console giants wont approve these mods.

  2. Mark fatgy says:

    Can you put it on the modhub made by giants software I need a Mack on my farm but please put it on ps4

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