HoFFis Schmitz CargoBull by Ap0lLo

Today I present to you the Cargobull of HoFFi.
I made that thing clear for the 19er.
However, I have to say right away that the trailer will stay in shape because I’m not too big a fan of UAL.
The Cargobull is now responsible for pallet transport (manual)
The trailer is fully animated as in the 17s and can be loaded from one side without it slipping out on the other side.
I wish you a lot of fun with the trailer

I can recommend the bag’n lifter package with the liquid tanks, which fit very well into the trailer

Easyautoload completely rebuilt.
Long pallets
Pellet pallets (straw addon)
Cuboid straw and cotton bales
Mission pallets
IBC tanks & fertilizer pallets
are now supported.
Unloading via autoload is now possible
Optional Autoload Light (set down on the loading area)
Cooling had to be deactivated. There were problems with autoload.
The warning stripes on the tailgate no longer glow in the dark

EasyAutoLoad installed, but ONLY pallets, because I do not want to change the size of the trailer.
Get supported:
17 standard size pallets
3 wooden pallets
9 mission palettes
9 tanks
Taillight exchanged
License plate inserted
Beacon now permanently installed
Configurable dangerous goods labels
Air conditioning inserted and can be started using the B button
Second rim optics
Mud flap is now movable again


Modell: LS11 hoschi97
Textur: LS17 HoFFi
Script: Ap0lLo
Idee / Konzept: Ap0lLo
Tester: Ap0lLo

3.5/5 - (14 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS19_HoFFis_SchmitzCargoBull_by_Ap0lLo 11 MB

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2 Responses

  1. Stéphane says:

    Ne marche pas on peut pas l acheté

  2. johnny says:

    The download is not V1.0.0.2… It’s V1.0.0.1!!!
    Can’t buy still loading the texture… after 5mins

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