A stationary baler pack consisting of 2 LSFM balers.
This is a conversion of existing balers from the standard game. These presses can be used on all maps. The pack contains 2 versions, one for round bales with a wrap-around combi and one for square bales but without a wrap-around combi.
The baling presses are designed for stationary use and work completely independently, you have to get into the machine to operate.
One should follow all instructions in the help window. Furthermore, some diesel is consumed when working. Of course, you can also refuel the machine. A tractor is only required to transport from A to B. The presses do not have a pick-up and must be filled from above with a shovel.
Important note:
The presses are not suitable for being pulled behind and being filled with a forage harvester at the same time.
V Fill Levelbar Grafik Bugfix (Füllstandsanzeige im Display zeigte einen komischen Streifen)
to refuel you have to get out of the vehicle
i cannot find the spot on the square bailer to trigger a refuel
Use a conveyor belt or loader for square bales
he goes crazy with square bales
super działa
Do you by any chance have a model that would be mobile? It would be awesome to have a harvester unload into the baler while chopping
Does this SUpport Fill tricker from stuff like Hayloft?