MultiCheat v1.1

MultiCheat v1.0

Multiple functions.
1) – Change the storage size of vehicles.
2) – Animal maintenance (must be run manually).
3) – Fill the silos to their maximum capacity.
4) – Add 1 million money.

For all functions you should approach objects such as silos, vehicles, etc.
* Update vehicles capacity, show name product



4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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File File size
zip FS19_MultiCheat 48 KB

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5 Responses

  1. ekko says:

    Do you have this mod for LS 22?

  2. Jose dos Santos says:

    muito bom

  3. Proteus says:

    Eu testei este mod, ele precisa ser atualizado, porque descobri que ele entra em conflito com outros mods que você colocou e tenta vender depois que você vende seu item que pode ser colocado no jogo, o jogo fica arruinado, considere isso um aviso para aqueles que desejam experimentar este mod

  4. Anonymous says:

    I have tested this mod it needs to be updated because I found out it conflicts with other mods that you placed down and try to sell once you sell your placeable item the game gets ruin consider this a warning for those of you that are wanting to try this mod

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wie funktioniert dieser Cheat genau? Was muss ich machen? Er wird zwar in der Mod-Liste im spiel angezeigt, aber ich weiß nicht wie ich damit arbeiten soll.

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