EasyAutoLoad v1.1.3

EasyAutoLoad v1.0

EasyAutoLoad is now a standalone “global” mod – there is no need to include the script with a trailer/truck mod, this mod simply needs to be enabled for the trailer/truck to work.

Permission is not needed to create autoload trailers/trucks, end users of those mods simply need to have the EasyAutoLoad in their mod directory and enabled at game start for the trailer/truck to work.

People wanting to create autoloading equipment using this mod can look to the “LizardAutoloader” trailer found on this site as an example/template for their own mods.
Valid vehicle xml types are “autoloadTrailer” for a trailer or “autoloadTruck” for a truck.
Both types include the TensionBelts specialization and have “baseAttachable” and “baseDrivable” respectively as their “parent” vehicleType categories
***Existing mods using the easyAutoLoad script will need to be updated to remove the script and inputBindings.
No need to edit the .i3d of the mod, EasyAutoLoad still looks for the same information as it did before.

Mods requiring this file: lizard autoload



3.7/5 - (35 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS19_LizardAutoloader 613 KB

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5 Responses

  1. KrisMoe says:

    Input bindings error and now i cant use half of my autoload trailers AFTER i deleted this mod… Anyone help me plz!

  2. Seanb says:

    yeah this mod not even working and like someone already mentioned it just fills up your keybind settings with a billion keybinds

  3. Anonymous says:

    The mod causes all kind of keybinding errors when it’s loaded up. Is there another version I should be looking for?

  4. Zider says:

    This is NOT 1.0. This is, latest version is (that I have found)

  5. Lukifer EvilStorm says:

    I’m not sure if its your script directly but I’ve had the lizard trailer and the step deck trailer. both created serious havoc on multiplayer. If the trailer are rezzed before users get on the farm they can’t log on. if You rez them after other users are on the users say the trailers are floating etc. including phantom objects that they have sent screen shots of attached to the trailer. Might want to look into the issues.

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