AI Vehicle Extension v

AI Vehicle Extension v

This is the very first version of AIVE for FS19.
New User Interface
The idea behind the new user interface is to move as many settings as possible into new settings dialog. This dialog uses standard elements. Only those options needed for visualization or intermediate action are still available in the head up display (HUD).
New Input Binding
I changed the input binding. Main reason is that keys 5 and 6 are used for the radio. This is the new setting:
H: Start or stop the hired worker
Left shift + H: Open the new settings dialog
Left control + H: Open the head up display
Left alt. + H: Enable or disable automatic steering
Left alt. + V: Raise or lower all tools
Left alt. + 6: Swap side
I do not like maps with rectangular fields. But driving a combine harvester plus the tractor with trailer is a bit tedious in SP mode.



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File File size
zip FS19_AIVehicleExtensionV2 204 KB

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12 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    do not work 1.7 update

  2. Hervé says:

    Okay so you shake your sneakers to make things turn or you watch the trains go by

  3. Anonymous says:

    not work

  4. Papabaer47 says:

    Funktioniert nicht schade

  5. Tom says:

    This is shit, does not work.

  6. Leruss says:

    Does not work

  7. Anonymous says:

    Does Not work with 1.4 patch

  8. Anonymous says:

    same for me does not work please fix

  9. Chief says:

    Does not work

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