This is the most complete and large-scale demolition themed modpack for FS19 to date. This is a WIP and ongoing project, so there most likely will be minor issues and new things to come in the future.

NOTE: The mod file MUST be unzipped and all contents put into your mods folder in order to work.

NOTE #2: Most machines in pictures are not included. the only ones included are new machines specifically for demolition. Some of the ones in the pictures will be uploaded soon as a separate mod, and others are just things other people have made/released, so there’s no point in reposting their already released mods.

Pack includes:
4 Ultra High Reach excavators
3 different high reach booms of different sizes
3 different hydraulic hammers
4 different demolition shears
3 sorting/demolition grapples
6 different sizes of demolishable concrete buildings
1 concrete grinder for excavators
1 demolition bar


Action_Eli, The Mini Plow Council

4.4/5 - (44 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS19DemoPackUNZIP 432 MB

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9 Responses

  1. bram says:

    do they have buckets?

  2. thomas says:

    i only got windows ):

  3. Perumal says:


  4. Valentin says:

    Je cherche le créateur du mods svp

  5. Anonymous says:

    lizard brand i think

  6. Cranedriver says:

    booms arent in the shop anyone know?

  7. timon says:

    thats what i was waiting for so long. the models look really good and it works perfect. what impressed me the most is the steering. the creator(s) of this mod really thought this trough. i can tell this is one of the best mods out there and i appreciate that you shared it with the community. i hope theres more to come!

  8. says:

    i love this mod

  9. Recki _HD says:

    kannst du bitte das pack auch für ls22 machen ? wäre soo cool
    danke 🙂

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