Because the map recive many ideas from my map (MCE) I decide change the name. The name results the union of TCBO map with my ideas on the MCE.
The reason I´m working on this map its because I like the landscape of this map but unfortunately, the programming its very poor and have many errors. When I talk with the authors they said don´t have time to fix the errors, and they weren’t going to work anymore on the map. So I decide fix and add more stuff to make a better map as the map deserve.
I leave here my thanks to authors (Baguette and OviixC) of the map for let me work on this map and publish .
I´m working on job start from others, so its difficult discover how some things is on the map, and I added many other things. So probably you find some issues. What i ask is if you find any issue please report to me for the next version came better.
I also want to thank all my Patreons for the help they give on last two days report to me issues. They are important for the map came to this stage you have access.
For the last, but very important I leave thanks to FS Miner for some new ideas and help me test and find problems.
TCBO v0.4
– Fixed the trigger for Stonepowder
– Fixed the trigger for water on Lithium processor
– Align the trigger place machines on dealer machines (first places for large trailers)
– Added board with material information on digging sites
– Added translations for filltypes
– Reduce the map size and turn more efficient (textures)
– Seasons Ready
– Added Seasons files (Dr.Drulia
– Modmap.lua fixed (Dr.Drulia
– Reduce the maxheight on piles 20 to 4 this create many issues when discharge materials on the ground (Dr.Drulia
– PDA map update (Dr.Drulia
– Increase the capacity of the pallets to 16000
– Added trigger to repair machines on machines dealer (only apears if you start a new save game)
– Remove duplicate waterplanes
– Remove ghost lights on steelfactory
Changelog v0.3: – Fixed the selling point harbour – Fixed the selling points (Terre) for Dirt and Tailings – Fixed the translation on global company for iron processor – Fixed trigger on marblepallets – Fixed beacon on concrete processor – Clean files and folders – Fixed some issues on dediserver log – Fixed the main issue. Now the log is clean. – Increase the capacity on Iron processor for each material. – Aligh the heaps with the conveyors on ironprocessor. – Increase the capacity on stoneprocessor. – Fixed the strange things apears on coal and lithiumore heaps. – Lights on the interior of the workshop in complex mine only turn on when the night comes. – Added some light poles. – Fixed the Steel selling point. – Added new secondary road – Added two selling points on the top of the building for use with bigger cranes. – Fixed the position some displays on the factorys
NOTE: If you don´t like this type map don´t download, don´t play. Avoid unnecessary comments. We like this type of map, and if the game allow this type of modding, lets us play as we want. Thats the beauty of Farming Simulator. Play as we want.
Very important: you can´t continue old saves. You need start a new save game or the changes not take effect. You must delete all old versions of the map from your mod folder.
– FIx all errors from the first public version of TCBO
– Add many ideas from MCE map
– Change name for TCBO Mining Construction Economy
Giants Software
Baguette, OviixC (TCM), Nonnus (me), FS Miner
All modders do placeables I use (the credits is on the original files inside the map)
Global Company authors
Hi there. When processing stone, riversand, and garden stones the outputs don’t decline when I remove the goods (stonepowder, gravel, sand, riversandp) I have to save and exit and reload every time I want them to reset. Is there a fix for this cause it’s a little annoying.
first of all i want to say this map is cool.. great job on the works. but unfortunately i found a few bug and hopefully you can look in to it and hopefully you can fix the problems. THE FIRST ONE IS. WHEN YOU FILL THE TIRES IT SAYING. ( MISSING FILLTYPE TIRES IN (EN.XML)
and when you go to dump at the (TIRESPROCESSOR) it wont dump.. so i buy the tires there and let it make rubber.. wont let us pick up…
(2) STONE PRODUCTION .. when processing stone the scales on the out put side is saying its full so its not working no production there.. it wont let it run.
(3) RIVERSAND PRODUCTION .. SAME THING DONT WORK.. its doing the same thing on a solo game and online.. i have the game online on a dedicated server if you can come check it out please. its called ( MINNING MAP) thanks for your time.. ( discord) george221380)
Hi there. When processing stone, riversand, and garden stones the outputs don’t decline when I remove the goods (stonepowder, gravel, sand, riversandp) I have to save and exit and reload every time I want them to reset. Is there a fix for this cause it’s a little annoying.
first of all i want to say this map is cool.. great job on the works. but unfortunately i found a few bug and hopefully you can look in to it and hopefully you can fix the problems. THE FIRST ONE IS. WHEN YOU FILL THE TIRES IT SAYING. ( MISSING FILLTYPE TIRES IN (EN.XML)
and when you go to dump at the (TIRESPROCESSOR) it wont dump.. so i buy the tires there and let it make rubber.. wont let us pick up…
(2) STONE PRODUCTION .. when processing stone the scales on the out put side is saying its full so its not working no production there.. it wont let it run.
(3) RIVERSAND PRODUCTION .. SAME THING DONT WORK.. its doing the same thing on a solo game and online.. i have the game online on a dedicated server if you can come check it out please. its called ( MINNING MAP) thanks for your time.. ( discord) george221380)
Bring back the original version that worked perfectly
Lmao doesnt work…..failed
moi je peut rien mettre dans les usine et rien marche dessus je suis inque capable de vendre le soil rien dautre
I can’t put the materials in the factories, thank you
modul cu exavatorul mare este CAT 9800
This map is full of bug.
Mods doesn’t work on this map
Where did you find that giant CAT excavator? I searched mod site and can’t find it.
Do you mean unfold the tyre processor?
I think you need to open it up before you can tip the tyres in.
hello there
it won’t show up in my game the map doens’t appear which is strange due to the older version did work and i delited that one first too.thank you
is the dirt digable?
Hello. I have found a problem with Tyres processor. I can not dump tyres in it to make rubber. Please chack that or did I do anything wrong.
where do you tip tailings to make the rocks