Welcome to shamrock valley. This map is set in Ireland.
Full seasons support with many extra features
New grass textures cut grass texture and distance etc
Custom ground textures
Custom Wheat barley textures auther forgotten fruits
38 fields from small to medium
3 sell points Bga sawmill and other places
Dof graphics has been removed to improve fps and distance blurryness. seasons
Totally new lighting Engine More dramtic dawn and dusk lighting. better clouds and more vibrant colours
Lots of animated objects to bring the map to life tractors in traffic boats planes etc
Driveable boat around the bay

Shamrock Valley 1.1
1.Fixed lighthouse light issue in the evening
2.Fixed shimmering cut grass texture in seasons
3.Fixed a couple of fillplanes floating in sky.
4.Optimised the map further 570mb now.
5.Fixed lampposts at night
6.Fixed floating gravestones.
7.Fixed waterfall error in log.
8.Boat camera fixed
9.Traffic can now be turned off and tweaked issues.
No new save required



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4.3/5 - (43 votes)

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File File size
zip FS19_Shamrock 552 MB

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6 Responses

  1. Dom says:

    I’m having a issue with wool, prices are not on the chart in menu

  2. Gary Jones says:

    After a quick look the other day I intend to start playing this map as it looks great, I did notice you cannot buy a field and put your own house on it, you have to buy the main house in the game if you like playing from scratch like I do, that’s the only let down.

    • Justin B says:

      I’m with you Gary. So are you able to put a new farmhouse elsewhere on the map at all? I like to play Farm Manger and creative my own farm on other parts of the map.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Very good map

  4. Jasmin says:

    Hello Farmers, SHAMROCK VALLEY is my favorite map in the moment the animated objects to bring the map to life for example the tractors in traffic the boats and planes. But also the scenery of shamrock is absolute beautiful , big thank you to Oxygendavid and 5 stars for this nice work!

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