Never Land v3.3
I am pleased to introduce you to my map.
It was rebuilt from scratch and is fictitious.
The map has 3 woods 6 open spaces (purchasable) 19 fields (purchasable)
Spinning dairy biomass and bga have also found their place
There are 3 outlets (take all fans)
Wind turbines from kastor were installed (thanks for that)
Carrots and onions from gmcw were installed (thanks for that)
Version 3.3
Cabbage red cabbage salad melons pumpkin and tomato pallets inscribed in map and sales
H milk cream and sour cream in map and sales registered
Rama and butter pallets entered in map and sales
Greenhouses Installed
Dairy Installed
Diesel Factory Installed
Signs of Preparations Installed
Pda picture newly made
All player triggers removed from the preparations
Various changes to the preparations
Sugar factory crap issue fixed
Fish farming and cigarette manufacturing rebuilt
Water in filling station registered at the dealer
Removed water hole (please remove watertank from items)
Version 3.2
Diesel entered in filling station
All preparations on pallets Spawner Rebuilt
Wood edge timber and fish pallets are added and registered in sales
Sawmill Installed (Also produces empty pallets)
Lumberjack Installed (makes wood and edge wood pallets, the wood pallets are used for the sawmill)
Fish farming Installed
Mühle Installed
Sugar Factory Installed
Various flour / sugar varieties and molasses added and registered in sales
Matching silo tanker comes with the next update
Tailoring moved
Version 3.1
Edible Oil Frying Oil Vegetable Fabric Clothing Harvest23 and A3 Hud Created
Edible oil frying oil vegetable fabric and clothing entered into sales
Edible oil Frying oil production Installed
Weaving and Tailoring Installed
Vegetable Packing Installed
Ernte23 and A3 were installed as new pallets and entered into sales
A hall more installed on the yard
Various fences and lights set
Playertrigger of all preparations made smaller
Marlboro manufacture in cigarettes manufacturing Gändert
Two out of three vehicle spawns at the dealer
Egg and cotton are reduced as they are used in other manufactures
Version 3
Carrots Onion Hops and Tobacco
Carrots Onion Hops and Tobacco Hud Created
Carrot onion hops and tobacco in farm silo Registered
Carrots Onion Hops and Tobacco Entered in Sales
Cardboard Paper Beer Filter and Marlboro Pallets Manufacturing Installed
The global company Mod is needed
Planks Empty Cardboard Paper Beer Filter And Marlboro Pallets Installed
Boards Blank Cardboard Paper Beer Filter and Marlboro Hud Created
Planks Empty Cardboard Paper Beer Filter and Marlboro Pallets Registered in Sales
Empty pallets for the first only buyable
At the Hädler filling station Installed for the purchase of seed fertilizer, etc
SprayTypes xml Added
Tankshop Installed
Sales Customized and Sorted
i3D of all preparations Removed
Various changes and adjustments
Various lights installed
Hofsilo filling quantity lowered
Hofsilo Marker removed
Hofsilo ramp lowered
The map is fictitious
Version 2.9
Great thanks go to Kastor
Kuhhof built by Kastor
Pig farm built by Kastor
Fields changed
Field missions adapted
Farmlands adapted
Various lights set
Free surfaces removed
2 out of 3 forests removed (what’s better in the future xD)
Pda adapted
When changing fields are various small mowable meadows arisen
Places created for various Globalcompany Fariken (in the future)
Version 2.8 Season Ready
Season Ready made
Various small changes and adjustments
Version 2.7
LS17 trees removed
LS19 trees set new
Pellets production Installed (homemade)
Pellets registered in country trade and price list
Pellets hud Created
Biogas production changed
Flour production Changed
Corn entered in flour production
Lime Preiß Adapted
Seed consumption of all fruits Adapted
Weight of all goods Adapted
Version 2.4
Biogas Herstellung Verbaut ( Eigenbau )
Biogas hud Erstellt
Biogas in Tankstelle Preißliste KotteTSA und Flüssigtank Eingetragen
Mehlherstellung Verbaut ( Eigenbau )
Mehl hud Erstellt
Mehl kann beim Ledli Verkauft werden
Mehl in Kottetankfass Eingetragen
Eigenes Kottetankfass als Mod in die Map Eingefügt
Kottetankfass findet man im Shop unter Diverses ( kann Öl Biogas und Mehl laden )
Saatgut Dünger unf Flüssigdünger Herstellungen von Farmer_Schubi wieder als Mod Hinzugefügt
Herstellungen und Preißliste Angepasst
Baumsetzlings Palette als Mod Hinzugefügt ( 100 Stück )
Zweites Farmhaus Eingefügt
Diverse Büsche und Bäume Verschoben ( zurück auf den boden geholt )
Scheune Entfernt
BGA Entfernt
Version 2.3
Please sell all placeable items before the version change and then take the itemsxml from a new save game
The map has now almost 30 MB less
Removed various free surfaces
Depot Sale Removes
Sawmill removed
Milk House Removed
Diesel sales in gas stations around Written
Diesel production in refinery around Written and she is now also producing oil
Oil entered in gas station and price list
Milk and oil entered in liquid storage
Small Water Works Installed
At WasserWerk, 100,000 liters of water cost 10,000 euros or dollars
Liquids trailer is enclosed
Lime entered in both sales
Power poles Installed
Version 2.2
Get FillTypeMover.lua update from Farmer_Schubi and Installed
Traffic Installed
Rebuilded Bga Fahrsilo (please insert tipColMap.grle from a new savegame into yours)
Lamps at the Bga set
Lamps placed at both statues
Hedges placed at the church
Deko Jung Trees Installed
Deco bushes
Liquid Fertilizer Production Removes
Biomass sale removed
Warehouse Sale Removed
Liquid Sale Removed
Version 2.0
Please load all files from a NEW SAVEGAME except (careerSavegame farm items vehicles)
A big thank you goes to FedAction LetsPlay for releasing its fruits
New Fruits (carrots onion rye spelled millet poppy alfalfa sorghum hops triticale)
PDA newly made
3 new fields made
Liquid fertilizer production by Farmer_Schubi firmly installed
And various little things
Version 1.9
All the creations of Farmer Schubi are removed and are gradually being fixed
Diesel production by Farmer Schubi firmly installed
Lime production by Farmer_Schubi firmly installed
Halls and silo rebuilt (but can be sold)
LiquidSale Added (Accepts all liquid goods)
Sawmill Installed
Ledli Installed
Restaurant Installed (first only decoration)
Decoration installed
Warehouse wood chips registered
Flüssig_Tank water registered
DieselSales Point Changed
Brahma cows removed from the map
Various trees reused or removed
Villages Made New
Villages lamps set
Filling station Licher
Map Startbild New made
Items Xml Is Included
Version 1.8
Latest diesel production from Farmer_Schubi Added
Dieselharstellung of Farmer_Schubi firmly installed (beside weaving)
Silage production by Farmer_Schubi permanently installed (at Bga)
Warehouse added as new outlets
Milchlagerhaus Inserted (under Diversen in the Shop)
Dealer Sales Trigger Marking Set
Liquid tank manure and digestate entered
Holes and windmills removed from the fields
Map folder tidied up
Maprand Rocks Set
Bga hedge put
New fences set
Version 1.7
Lime production by Farmer Schubi Added
Liquid fertilizer production by Farmer Schubi Added
All of Farmer Schubi’s creations are up to date
Fillable farm filling station and liquid tank from San Andreas added (Thanks for your approval) (is freely placeable)
Placeable Halls of Stevie Added (Thanks for your approval) (can be placed freely)
Main farm except for the farmhouse Leer (can be made free)
In the shop under silos halls and Diversen are some new mods
Barn at cattle trade added
Installed icons again
Changed lighting conditions
All clip distancings lowered
Floating Waterfilltrigger Deleted (Sorry for that)
Lamps Deleted Add Placeable Add
Bushes removed again
Version 1.6
All creations of Farmer_Schubi Added Installed (Does not need this in the Modfolder)
Giants Windräder Installed (bring money and are sold) (you do not need in the modfolder)
Giants Apiary Added (Bring Money and Freely Placeable) (Do not Need in Modfolder)
Silage Schweinfutter Mischfutterherstellung and Grastrocknung Verbaut
MultiFruits removed because of texture overhaul
Forest trees at the map edge
Cattle trade Installed
Livestock Trading Hedges Set
Bushes set
Own Multisilo added
Lamps at gas stations entrance offset
Courtyard Altered
Version 1.2
new fruits installed
harvest and storage silo is included
various small changes
Where do you sell the edge wood?????
mn e xubavo tazim igra e mn qaka
what do i use to collect the flour as none i have used won’t load it
Is there any chance a English version could be made?
belle map mais dommage il a pas les numero sur chaque champ