I am extremely proud to welcome you to Italy and invite you to a new gaming experience on the map ITALIA LIGHT VERSION.

One of the special features of this map is that all the buildings, streets, walls and fences, tracks and even the train locomotive are original and designed by me from scratch.

The map FS19 ITALIA LIGHT VERSION has 3 farms (Masseria)

– Masseria Italia (N.1 on the PDA)

– Masseria Parma (N.2 on the PDA)

– Masseria Azzurra (N.3 on the PDA)

These farms have been designed with the idea that the player can start from the first one, the Masseria Azzurra, which is cheapest and the smallest of the three, then buy the Masseria Parma, which is bigger and has a pigsty, and as an endgame, buy the Masseria Italia, which has all types of stables and several sheds.

Furthermore the player can also buy equipped areas in addition to the farmhouses.

The equipped areas are plots of land containing structures such as silage trenches, sheds, silos or stables.

These are:

– Trincea Parma (silage trench + shed)

– Trincea alla Ferrovia (silage trench + train loading system)

– Capanno Italia (shed + grain silos + seed and fertiliser storage silos)

– Stalla a Valle (cowshed)

– Ovile (sheepfold)

– Stalla Cavalli (horse stable)

– Deposito Forestale (warehouse + stationary chipper + crane for moving logs)

– Deposito Ferroviario (warehouse + grain silos)


SMI Modding Team

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File File size
zip FS19_ITALIA_Light_Version 1 GB
zip fix_02.04 726 KB

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2 Responses

  1. hatahualpa milano says:

    mappa bellissima e molto bene addobbata e pensata spero che la versione finale avra’ piu’ sezioni di piccoli borghi 3 4 case o poco piu’ sparse per la mappa
    per me il segreto per fare bellissime e durevoli mappe in farming e’ dosare bene alcune sezioni di case e case fattorie sparse con raziocinio nello scenario
    le mappe con grandi campi e strade per kilometri non sono certo uno stimolo per giocare sono noiose molte volte ho scritto alla software house per introdurre i vicini virtuali reali dove si vedrebbero i campi vicini lavorati veramente dai mezzi delle fattorie vicine ma non mi hanno nemmeno risposto ed infatti farming 2022 e’ stato un mezzo flop proprio a causa di questo

  2. Marius says:

    Salve volevo ringraziarti per la bella mappa, ma ho una problema con animali, non posso scaricare le mucche neanche le pecore

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