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11 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    why does the header misses crops and i have to go back over it to get it all again

  2. Rick69 says:

    I don’t know why my headers are not working

  3. David says:

    Can y’all make it for Xbox one

  4. TheFarmEr says:

    No only pc

  5. Bill Gates says:

    This is some good content for my youtube channel 🙂

  6. Mike says:

    Does this work for xbox one

  7. jambat says:

    no need to copy just move it to your game folder in your documents then check when you start new game.

  8. Matt says:

    Copy the zip file into C:\Users\Matt\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2019\mods then quit the game and reload it and when you chose a save file you should have the option to add it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Where do i find it in game

  10. Anonymous says:

    it didn’t work dude i download it and it dosen’t won’t to come in the game!!!!!!!

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