Kalmar DRF450 60S5 v1.2.0.1

Kalmar DRF450 60S5 v

Kalmar DRF450 60S5 v

I introduce my Kalmar Reachstacker DRF450-60S5 today. It is a container handling vehicle.

My thanks to all who have followed my thread on the development of mods and were always with words and deeds to the side.

Especially I would like to thank T3chn1k, who supported me with RL images and live sounds (ready mixed for the LS).

Technical specifications:
Power: 350hp
Curb weight: 67.4t
Speed: 25km / h (empty) 7-8km / h (with max. Load)
Lifting capacity: 45t in the first row (2.5m in front of the vehicle), 40t in the second row (6m in front of the vehicle)
The reachstacker can stack 6 empty containers and 5 fully loaded containers on top of each other.
20 ‘and 40’ ISO containers can be transported (see Mod recommendations)

The model was built from scratch in Maya and largely implemented according to the new conditions in the FS19.

All functions are shown in the F1 menu.

The payloads were designed taking into account modellericher’s real weights mod. With standard FS19 you are definitely in the green area 🙂

The Reachstacker can be found in the shop Telelader

Known defects:
Who knows me, knows it: my textures 🙂
The F1 menu display to move the spreader arms from 20 ‘to 40’ does not change (went in the foldable Spezi in the 17er without problems, not now …)
The spinlocks move only when a container is first docked in a session and do not stand back when the attacher is inactive (went in my ATC Vehicle Pack in 17 without problems, not now …)

Error: Can not load resource ‘C: / Users / alfre / Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2019 / mods / FS19_Kalmar_DRF450_60S5 / dataS / scripts / vehicles / Vehicle.lua’ (seems to be a bug when building your own vehicleType , can be ignored.)

V1.2.0.0, aiCollision Trigger added, added store categories by GC

concept, Alfredix
models, Alfredix
testing, Alfredix
RL support, T3chn1k
Source Infos, T3chn1k
Sounds, T3chn1k

4.3/5 - (29 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip FS19_Kalmar_DRF450_60S5 55 MB

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4 Responses

  1. Nevio says:

    was wird nicht aufladen ???

  2. PyroBear says:

    Comment for v1.2.0.1.
    This is an excellent mod. If you use the ISO containers you need this machine! It is pretty easy to use, looks good and functions well.

  3. James says:

    yes the .dds, .i3d, and i3d.shapes files are missing from the main folder

  4. Anonymous says:

    wont load up

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