Iconik Ideal Harvester v 2.0
Iconik Ideal Harvester
9 Decal Options / 3 Engine Options / 4 Tire Options
3 Crawler Options / 4 Capacity Options / Dyable
250K Cotton Option / Ability to Strap It / Road Speed Increased to 32 MPH / Price Dropped 5%
See pics for other Details
I recommend The Iconik Header Pack for a Matching Header
Fixed Floating Piece on Front At
Raised Unload Speed to 17500
It works great when we buy it in the store and when we set the capacity there is on the side the slider must be moved because the option to choose catton cultivation is covered
hi guys: how do i get the cotton version harvester? all i have is the regular iconik.
I love the addition but cant find the cotton one but my harvester has the cotton icon in the specs but wont do it.
Please help. david
Hi just downloaded this and the cotton one too was wondering if there was a way to stop the harvester from pulling to the left all the time ?
Hallo wo bekomme ich das Mähwerk für Baumwolle das zu dem Drescher passt Gruss gefahrgut