Update- 2.5
* Added front hood peterbilt ornament
* Added New fuel tanks
* Added 379 Lights (Front blinkers will be in next update)
* Added bug deflector
* Added 379 Grill
* Added New bumper
* Fixed fuel tank holders
* Fixed Interior colors
* Fixed windshield allignment
* Fixed Mirror views
* Removed 389 headlights
* Removed peterbilt wing decals
* Realistiic Sounds (best that’s available) XML to change sounds is included in download.
* Fixed back axles (no more getting stuck)
* Leveled the peterbilt (front was slanted down, back was slanted up)
* Fixed some appearence issues (decals, lights)
* Fixed exit point (no longer exit in sleeper)
* Added chassis cover (thanks to Aaronamy)