Here is our conversion of the PT16000 from Agrartechnick Nordeifel
Here is our 3-axle Kotte guarantor, what we have converted to a 3-axle vehicle and have built in a lift area that goes up / down automatically at 15000L
So here is my v1.2.0.0 from my Garant Kotte barrel
What was done:
A new spec and a new normal have been created and of course bugs have been fixed!
Of course, I also made the keg ready for the Vertex vacuum cleaner.
So you can work with it too
Unfortunately I had to delete the script from AN’s distribution list because there was no release for it
So unfortunately you have to build that yourself …
But the specific points are available in the I3D, so you just have to enter everything and then it should work!
And now have fun with the barrel