Ajnj Placeable Pack v1.0

Ajnj Placeable Pack v1.0

Map Items, Decorations, Buildings, Animal, and Silo Placeables: A B BGA Back40CountryStore C CargoBlue CargoYellow CrazyGrannys D DeBarkerHall
E FarmmersCoop GradingHall GrainMasters HappySpuds HappySpudsSale HigherYeilds
MetalPile OldBarn OldSilo QueenLizzy QueenLizzySales RefineryTanks SargsKiwiMarket
SawMillHall WeighStation WoodPelletsModual CargoTank CherryPicker Chimney Crane
FenceChainLink FenceWood JunkCar JunkCar2 LumberPile MetalPile2 OldSilo2 TireRack
WaterTower WaterTower2 BundyBear Cazz64Flavors FarmerMinnsGeneralStore KentuckianJDs
MrTbone39 NewallsPlace NicolsonsGrains OldTimerDavesWhatNots PerransTradeGoods
RabbitMan39 SixWheelinAndDealin SophieThisAndThat TheFrostyRose MarselGjatasPlace
Tiny426GeneralStore AussiesMarket church residentialA residentialB residentialC residentialD
residentialE residentialF residentialG residentialH residentialI residentialJ resturant sub1 sub2
sub3 townBuildingA townBuildingB townBuildingC townHall townStoreA townStoreB farmHome
fireDept gasStation courtHouse VehicleSellPoint birch1 birch2 birch3 maple oak oldFence
palm1 palm2 palm3 palm4 palm5 pine1 pine2 pine3 pine4 redwood spruce1 spruce2
spruce3 spruce4 spruce5 LongPot ShortPot RoundPot farmSiloLarge husbandryCowLarge
husbandryHorseLarge husbandryPigLarge husbandrySheepLarge husbandryChickenLarge
farmSiloSmall siloExtension SCS_US_UNTERSTAND_B gatesoftdouble gatesoftdouble_EU
husbandrySheepLarge husbandryHorseLarge husbandryCowLarge husbandryPigLarge
ban2door Barn2 barnOpen.


JnJ Mods Akecheta Wakan The Collaboration

4.9/5 - (9 votes)

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File File size
zip A_Placeable_Pack 344 MB

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3 Responses

  1. Caiqui says:

    in misc.

  2. BB says:

    Nice collection of Decko Buildings but what I would like to see is a collection of Decko Cars, all these homes and no caes in the driveway. While I have the chance I would like to thank all the people that mod for their hard work.

  3. BadgerGrimm says:

    The houses can’t be raised or lowered. Some houses, like Residential C I think it is, has an attached garage, and when you place it, the garage is about 2 feet off the ground. In the pics above, and in the thumbnail for the house, it shows a concrete ramp leading up to the garage, but this is not there when you place the house.
    And how do the Createyourownsalepoint buildings work? What do they buy/sell? Where are the buy/sell triggers? Why don’t they show up on the minimap as sell points?
    I like these buildings for building your own town….but the above factors are causing issues.

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