Estonian Forest Valley v2.0.1

Estonian Forest Valley v1.0

This map is ment for American and European Forestry
and the map has a lot of over crown forests!



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zip FS19_Estonian_Forest_Valley 182 MB

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7 Responses

  1. Kevin says:

    Finally, an Estonian map has been made.
    because I live in Estonia

  2. JT says:

    It is sad that you decided to remove farming completely in the new update ( It was nice to have some open space in the big forest. It is nice to see that the land prices got way cheaper. But land lands is too cheap. You can easely 10X the land prices. Nice to see that you got rid of the big machine park. It was too much with all that vehicles right from start. Note: The Farm house is still built on player unowned land.

  3. JT says:

    The new update of the map (v2.0.1) is very good! However, I noticed that the ground texture in front of the new restaurant (between the shed by the swamp and the restaurant facing the swamp) still has swamp texture and that the ground texture is just painted on top of the swamp texture. The ground is still swampy and not solid! All the vehicles just slides around and gets dirty. Maybe the three decorative trees (in front of the restaurant) on the edge of the swamp should be removed too since all the trees in the swamp are already dead. It will only enhance the realism of the environment. Note: the Farm house is placed on player unowned land. Suggestion: Maybe expand the game boarders a little bit further for further exploration into the unknown wilderness.

  4. Carl-TG says:

    ok im cona look into it but do you like the map

  5. StenTheEstonian says:

    As JT stated above you need to fix the map buyable areas. otherwise super map i love it!

  6. JT says:

    The map has to be divided into many more buyable pieces. There are a lots of land that can not be bought! Fields 1, 4, 5 and 6 has trees to close to them. It is to difficult to work the fields properly when the trees are so close to them. It gets annoying for those players who don’t want to begin with forestry / logging right away. The sell point Port Southeast does not make any sense! More development around sell point Port Southeast is needed. It would be visually nicer if the power line pylon by field 3 could be mowed slightly of the field onto the grassland next to the field.

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