This mod adds some quality of life improvements to make clearing trees with a chainsaw a little bit easier, but still retains enough realism to deserve the payment for selling the wood.

– Targeting marker to identify chainsaw aim point at all times
– Easily destroy small pieces of wood, similar to removing superfical branches
– 2x faster chainsaw cutting
– 2x increased chainsaw range
– 2x increased object pick up range
– Cut trees anywhere on the map, even on land that cannot be purchased (like the shop)
– Display mass of viewed objects in F1 menu
– Toggle ‘super-strength’ using ALT and increase brightness of targeting overlay to indicate when active
– Super strength is adaptive (5x held object mass)
– Works in multiplayer



4.7/5 - (25 votes)

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zip FS19_LumberJack 28 KB

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10 Responses

  1. Nivre says:

    I have the same game bug as the people above me. Sometimes it cam up in original map too, but now its constant when playing on “No Man’s Land” map. Hope there could be a fix for it.

  2. Jaytal6 says:

    There is a bug where the chain saw continues to run even when deactivated and the only way to stop it from running is to change tools/put it away. . also super strength stops working. This appears to happen on all maps.

  3. Anonymous says:

    There is a bug where the chain saw continues to run even when deactivated and the only way to stop it from running is to change tools/put it away. . also super strength stops working.

  4. Kubimate says:

    in LumberJack.lua, line 83 change “100” to whatever you want in tonnes, I changed it to 0.3 so I still have this function but it’s not OP

  5. GHOOOSST says:

    how i can remove this option to turn on/off the super strength? i dont like much off this ting

  6. HouserVT says:

    Not sure if the chainsaw bug is with this mod. For me, I get the exact same but (no jumping, etc), but it resolves if I disable the “Buy Used Equipment” mod. Seems like it’s the Buy Used Equipment mod that’s messing up; at least for me.

  7. GpeG says:

    Hey loki, I found a bug in the latest version of your mod. When you load a (modded) map with the lumberjack mod and try to select a chainsaw, you get a lua error, saying the method ‘update’ is missing. After that, jumping is not possible anymore and you also cannot select the chainsaw. You also cannot use something like the animal menu. And when you reload the map without the mod, the problem stays. I hope this helps you finding the bug.

  8. Powindahh says:

    This mod absolutely slaughters my framerate, it gets even worse if I pull out the chainsaw. Pre-mod I was locked to 60fps but with this enabled it can go down all the way to 4fps with the chainsaw out and about 20 without it pulled out.

  9. bolttanker says:

    loki hi i hope you read this i have a question is it possible to make a mod that makes tree less slippery when picked up with claws
    like the trailers with the claws

    • loki_79 says:

      I don’t read things on here too often, but that is a good point. If I can figure it out how to do it, I’ll add to this mod.

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