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What does EnhancedVehicle?

This mod extends (engine-based) vehicles with differential locks and drive modes (four-wheel-drive, rear/front wheel drive). In addition, the HUD will be upgraded with some more detailed damage report, fuel tank level, fuel consumption, engine speed and temperature, and a weight/total weight display.

keyboard mapping (can be changed in the game options menu)

Space – change shuttle shift driving direction
lCtrl + Space – turns shuttle shift on/off (per vehicle)
insert/delete – select driving direction directly
end – turn parking brake on/off
KeyPad 7 – enable/disable front axle differential lock
KeyPad 8 – enable/disable back axle differential lock
KeyPad 9 – switch wheel drive mode between 4WD (four wheel drive) or 2WD (two wheel drive)
KeyPad / – reset HUD positions. use this if you messed up the XML config, changed the GUI scale or installed keyboardSteer from Mogli12 afterwards.
KeyPad * – reload XML config to activate changes immediately without restarting the whole game
lAlt+1 to 4 – front/rear hydraulic up/down, attached devices on/off

Sorry – too lazy to translate. Available in german in the german description only.

further notes
If the mod “VehicleControlAddon (VCA)” from Mogli12 is detected, some HUD elements are moved a bit to avoid overlapping. Press “KeyPad /” to reset their positions. (version required)
Please note: Due to limitations and bugs in the game engine, the HUD data for fuel consumption, engine temperature and weight are not available or incorrect for all multiplayer players – with the exception of the host.



4.2/5 - (40 votes)

Download mod

File File size
zip TSX_EnhancedVehicle 117 KB

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2 Responses

  1. Utkarsh says:

    Good game

  2. Devansh Gupta says:

    Shivansh Gupta

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