Big Farmers Map v 1.0
I’ve made a very simple map here. It has no BGA and no starter silo. Silage is still available for sale.
I recommend my ModPack BigFarmersModPack to this map because I provide there important devices for large field editing based on standard Giants devices.
Exact list of changes: BigFarmersMapMods
There are 4 outlets. After 500,000 PriceDrop. 24 Price Recovery
Fields: 4x1Hektar 6x5Hektar 3x19Hektar 5x40Hektar
I am not a very experienced modder.
how did you make the map?
I like the concept of the map layout, and I tried combining several of the smaller fields to make them larger. I was able to plow a portion between the fields but then I got a message “not allowed access” or something similar to that. I would like to be able to combine a few of the smaller fields but I do not have the skills or knowledge to modify the map. If the areas between the fields could be plowed that would be great
vc tem que comprar a terra aperta ESC E VEI NI GOLBA E APERTA x