
Thomas Gärtner
Peter Vaiko
Logo Design by Finals Farming
Full credits to @Satissis who helped us out once more

3.9/5 - (448 votes)

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77 Responses

  1. TrickySpot says:

    I had this, and not sure what I did, restart the game, or maybe replot the course for the field that was 19, but then started showing up as 0. I didn’t do anything special and it fixed itself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know if anyone else has had this issue but if so how to correct it. I am using this version of courseplay in fs19 and I notice in when I set up my tractor to unload the combine it shows the field number as 0

  3. Legends Legacy says:

    I wonder whether this will be coming to Farming Simulator 22 as I couldn’t play Farming Simulator 19 without this mod absolutely brilliant


    por que os reboques de cana de açúcar não descarregam?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bucchin’n assoreta

  6. Anonymous says:

    hola queria saber si alguien puede contestarme,es realmente brillante el Courseplay pero en esta oportunidad no puedo actualizar esta version ya que cuando elimino el courseplay anterior y coloco este el juego me abre pero no me abre ninguna partida queda colgado ,si alguien sabe que puedo hacer para solucionarlo enormemetnte agradecido

  7. Luka. says:

    Almost nothing works in this update. Why? Update equals deterioration? Interestingly.

  8. Dubs says:

    Seems like a lot of these issues are user error it works pretty good for me!

  9. wicio says:

    335 / 5000
    Wyniki tłumaczenia
    the first version implanted from FS17 to FS 19 was the best – no problems with the cooperation of machines ….
    Now it’s got so screwed up that the tractor doesn’t know which way to turn the plow –
    Fortunately, it will be FS 21 so good luck with creating problems and fixing them – CoursePlay
    already with AUTODRIVE you can work stress-free

  10. Anonymous says:

    I have tried damn near every version in my 5k+ hours and I have never had anything work remotely close to flawlessly lol.

  11. Chewbee says:

    I dont understand… Lot of problem… I use courseplay on Ravensberg map .. for gractors, combines, trucks… It need lot of hours, but i automatized all things… And they works… Its magic… Sometimes need some small correction, but i learn the rules… What size tools need the fields… If anybidy have problem this courseplay… Lets make better amd i will test it 😉 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

    so i cant use course play anymore, with it downloaded, my equipment tires disappear and i cant use anything

  13. Poncho says:

    This mod continues to impress non-stop; the things you can automate is becoming more fun than the game itself!
    Makes you wonder after experiencing this why console players of this game would remain/choose console…

  14. Anonymous says:

    sorry, I’m gonna sound a wee bit thick here, I have started the game without courseplay, couldn’t find any papa smurf mower, so just sold everything, saved and then reloaded with courseplay in. Still the same message, no combine nearby. Nothing will go to the combine. I consider myself a little courseplay savey, I’ve had the overloaded working since version one of the 19 version, but I can’t think of anything else to do to try and get this to work as it should.

  15. Pal123 says:

    Looks like courseplay plow settings doesn’t recognise that turn starts waypoint or think it as stop waypoint.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why my plows stop at the ends of every row. It doesn’t turn just completes a row and stops at the end. If remove the green waypoint that says turn starts or make it normal waypoint with cp editor, the tractor turns right from there to next waypoint. But it doesn’t turn if it’s turn starts waypoint. Any suggestions.

  17. DOMAPOI says:

    What ever happened to spiral field work or when you could set to do headers that you could set how deep and after they were done cutting the headers they would start their regular up and down work and didn’t have to worry about the amount of space you had to make your turns off the field?!

  18. Anonymous says:

    It’s not courseplay or the version that doesn’t work, it is the papa smurf mower. start a game without CP, sell that mower, then save and enable courseplay.

  19. Anonymous says:

    am i the only one that can not get any new courseplay version to empty the harvester, no matter how or where I set the course up, it just says no harvest nearby. There is, I once set the harvester next to the tractor, with the tractor on the field with the harvester. So I have to continue with an old version, which works, but I’m missing some of the new features.

  20. Lopppo says:

    Nalepszy mod jaki można było zrobić. w grze często przestaje działać orginalny automatyczny pracownik a ten mod pozwala na zastąpienie tego orginalnego. może nie pracuje idealnie ale jest świetny mimo to. Dziękuję za waszą ciężką pracę nad tym modem. 5 gwiazdek

  21. mercoury123 says:

    this version dont work on ricci homestead – u cant even load map with it

  22. Jeremy Kuen says:

    Wie ladet man Coursplay herunter muss man da bei den Ordner Entpacken druecken

  23. Mark Meijer says:

    courseplay 6.03 hoe werkt het wegrijden bij;
    start bij;
    met een hakselen en tractor 3

  24. Anonymous says:

    PROBLEM :When harvesting on multiple fields in mission mode, there is often mistakes occuring by increasing the harvested material on the wrong mission field statistic

  25. gonza says:

    hola gente consulta,¿A alguien mas le pasa que al poner a funcionar el courseplay al cabo de 1 min. o menos, el juego deja de funcionar?…que puedo hacer para solucionar este error, ya que siendo esta mi situación el courseplay queda inservible…y quiero usarlo

  26. Poncho says:

    By far the best Courseplay yet – of all the features the one that really makes a difference is the collision avoidance. Vehicles will make every effort not to impede oncoming traffic yet maintain their programmed course. Damn we are fortunate – this is like an early Christmas gift. Thank you!

  27. Anonymous says:

    all these crashes seem to me as a result of your potato pc rather than cp. i would how many are angry on here trying to play on a notebook?

  28. Anonymous says:

    Great Mod! I’ve been using it with great success and really enjoying it. However, lately, I’ve encountered a bit of a problem. Whenever I try to start a driver at a course, all that happens is that a big yellow arrow appears, showing the direction and distance to the first waypoint of the course. It simply won’t start driving, and I’m absolutely gutted. Any ideas what might be wrong….?

  29. DarkAngelz says:

    Hi there moderators and developers and other programmers of CoursePlay V6 for FS 19.
    I am encounter a Bug that is rather fatal, when performing this following action, it crashes the game and i am not sure why.
    1) Have two of the same Tractors and Plows
    2) Create a custom path along the Dimensions of the new Field to be made with “Allow Create Field” Option
    3) Save and Load course into the global save folder of Courseplay and Load course
    4) Go into course generation with Previous loaded course and then select plows to work with multi-tool x2
    5) select either of the two plows to commence work…. then crash

    I am not certain if its due to the fact that I am playing on the x16 map of Wild West or not, but Its just a 30ac field. I had to do some landscape shaping to lower the terrain. Just letting you know if others are also have the same result for custom made paths for Plows and course generation

  30. Poncho says:

    You rock Saviour – thanks for the excellent tips

  31. Saviour says:

    I’m fed up of people saying that the overload function doesn’t work, Buy your overloader, put it on the second icon to unload combine, now create your course as normal to empty in to your waiting trailer, when you pull up next to it and you are over the trailer put in a wait point. Now this is the important bit, you need to find in the tractor icon the waiting time option, you need to put it to 1min5scs this will give the overloader time to unload and then drive on. And then it will unload the combine and then empty its self. Oh, leave the auger of the overloader out. This whole solution relies on the autoload triggers that are in trailers. Hope this helps. I use overloaders for combines and other harvesters.

  32. Haschbe says:

    I have only problem with unload the Harvester. Driver wait in fruit, or crash mit Harvester. Harvester crash waiting driver.

  33. DaniDanihk says:

    the game dont open when i active this mod…any help ??

  34. Blaqtista says:

    the speed settings no longer match whats going on with the vehicle. its approximately 10 above the vehicle in the courseplay hud

  35. Anonymous says:

    using 2 combines doesn’t work on dedicated servers , works perfect on single player but on a dedi server they just follow each other instead of 1 working on the left and one one the right.

  36. JD says:

    is there a script available to improve the use of the hand to pick up objects? WHen I hoover over things to pick it up, tells object is to heavy, even just the toolbox. Any thoughts>

  37. brightblade says:

    i just want CP to reconise trailers that have updateMass = “false” right now it thinks there not trailors so i have to use a chaser to load the trailors automaticly

  38. setna says:

    This is very nice but v6.01 can unload harvester to requested driver but v6.02 cannot. Driver try round and round back, excatly to varitron

  39. Anonymous says:

    get auto-drive the over-loader works. its works injunction with course-play.. just watch a video on how to use it for overloader mod.

  40. MyNameNope says:

    Many bugs, lags, work only 10-15% of addon.

  41. Yj says:

    WTF…..In combi mode trailer not detecting harvester.

  42. Poncho says:

    Reverted back to v.330 – current version creates chaos where you spend most time chasing vehicles down across map and un-stuck-ing combines trying to mate with tipper wagons. Still the best mod for managing AI by far – most jobs like Grain Transport and Seeding/Fieldwork work flawlessly.

  43. dude says:


  44. the guy says:

    any ideas

  45. me says:

    yea same for me i was wondering if i had the wrong version but nope i have the latest version and yea unload combine does not work sadly and ideas? Or is the just how it is and it wont be fixed??

  46. Anonymous says:

    Course does not find the harvesters, the tractors is in infinite search mode. and this has been happening and from this section 6.01.00399. it looks crazy. despite the problems in it and the use so far. because all the others are in the search loop for harvesters.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Wann kommt courseplay endlich auf der Xbox für ls19 raus?

  48. Anonymous says:

    La sembradora no se recarga si no estoy en el tractor

  49. Poncho says:

    This version crashes my game non-stop now when trying to run a Combi sequence with an Auger Wagon; as well some spelling mistakes in the UI – FIELD not FELD. Going back to an older version that worked better.

  50. Anonymous says:

    In der Version 6.2….. fahren meine Abfahrer garnicht mehr. Diese Einstellungsseite finde ich gut wäre aber schön wenn das mal auf Deutsch wäre. das Problem das die Drescher ständig mit der Geschwindigkeit runter gehen das habe ich immer noch und das ist ganz schön nervig

  51. Anonymous says:

    the game stop working when the helper is done with a row and i have to quit the game via alt+f4

  52. Klaus Propper says:

    Hallo und guten Tag ich habe mir jetzt LS 19 auf den pc installiert und hatte vorher LS 17 gespielt natürlich mit courseplay und es hat tadellos funktioniert. jetzt habe ich mir auch für den LS 19 coursplay installiert und leider funktioniert es nicht ich kann alles auswählen und einstellen, ich kann auch ein kurs auf einem feld generieren das funktioniert alles tadellos nur wenn ich mit der linken Maustaste auf abfahrer einstellen klicke fährt der traktor den kurs nicht ab das einzige was passiert ist das in der fahrerkabine bei jedem klicken ein anderer fahrer auf dem sitz vom traktor sitzt , ich kann dann auch nicht mehr den traktor ausmachen und auch nicht weiter bewegen obwohl ich den kurs gelöscht habe , ich bräuchte dazu dringend hilfe weil ich nicht weiter weiß

  53. Anonymous says:

    el juego se congela , no funciona

  54. killerjohnny says:

    please can someone help me i got the latest courseplay 6. something. it is installed and unzipped etc, but is doesnt want to work for me is their something im doing wrong?

  55. santosperkins17 says:

    when will courseplay be able for overloaders???

  56. Anonymous says:

    我有一个问题 CP 经常出现卡死的情况

  57. Person says:

    I am having a problem with the unload combine and tip feature. Right after recording course, I can’t switch vehicles or move and the game freezes. Has that been fixed yet? I would like to use that feature.

  58. kyfire says:

    Found a bug! If you have multiple harvesters of the same make and model working in two different fields. In this event if you try to set up an overload for each one it confuses the tipper as to which one to respond to.

  59. sukkels says:

    je dikke moeder

  60. bar says:

    Anonymous i have that too my game freezes and i cant do nothing

  61. Anonymous says:

    Everytime i try to harvest a field it sometimes just freezes the game and i cant move or swith tractors to turn it off. PLEASE fix this bug!!

  62. KCHARRO says:

    It is their official site, and this MOD is in development, visit the site and see its current status and inform yourself, these guys are doing a good job, I recommend everyone not to download from other sites …

  63. remy says:

    Cette version me fait bug le jeux des que mais ouvrier arrive en bout de ligne pour faire demis tour .. tout plante 🙁

  64. OrkoGato says:

    I will be very happy to be a tester for a PS4 version
    [email protected]

  65. Роман says:

    У меня не работает курсплей. ТАМ ГДЕДЕЛАТЬ МАРШРУТ У МЕНЯ ПИШЕТ ” СПЕЦИФИЧНИЕ настройки для режима. КАК ЕТО РЕШИТЬ

  66. Anonymous says:

    when added to the mod folder it does not show up in game to pick

  67. Anonymous says:

    please make a good courseplay for multiplay fs19

  68. Anonymous says:

    Almost as good other then every time my runner is unloading a combine it resets the combines speed to zero till i manual increase it.. and the runner seems to try and back up which never works right, always jack knives the trailer and spins in circles

  69. The Dude says:

    please make a good courseplay, this isn’t like 2017

    • Martin says:

      Come on, one of the main useful utilities of courseplay doesn’t work: the overloader mode. It’s me or no one has noticed this. Can’t be so complicated to update the overloader mode from FS17 to FS19. Wake up Epic!

    • David says:

      Give them time, it is still in beta. I am sure they will work it out.

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